changelogUtils.file is auto-generated using the monorepo-scripts package. Don't edit directly.
Edit the package's CHANGELOG.json file only.
## v1.1.0 - _July 24, 2018_
* Add `getTransactionByHashAsync` method (#847)
## v1.0.1 - _July 23, 2018_
* Dependencies updated
## v1.0.0 - _July 20, 2018_
* Export `marshaller` utility file. (#829)
* Add `getNodeTypeAsync` method (#812)
* Stop exporting uniqueVersionIds object (#897)
## v0.7.3 - _July 18, 2018_
* Dependencies updated
## v0.7.2 - _July 9, 2018_
* Dependencies updated
## v0.7.1 - _June 19, 2018_
* Dependencies updated
## v0.7.0 - _June 4, 2018_
* Add `web3Wrapper.getContractCodeAsync` (#675)
* Add `web3Wrapper.getTransactionTraceAsync` (#675)
* Add `web3Wrapper.getBlockWithTransactionDataAsync` (#675)
* Add exported uniqueVersionIds object (#622)
* Update increaseTimeAsync to work with Geth (#622)
* Make callAsync throw if raw call result is 0x (null) (#622)
* Add new setHeadAsync method (#622)
* Improve performance of awaitTransactionMinedAsync by immediately checking if the transaction was already mined instead of waiting for the first interval. (#688)
## v0.6.4 - _May 22, 2018_
* Dependencies updated
## v0.6.3 - _May 5, 2018_
* Dependencies updated
## v0.6.2 - _May 4, 2018_
* Dependencies updated
## v0.6.1 - _April 18, 2018_
* Dependencies updated
## v0.6.0 - _April 11, 2018_
* Make `isAddress` and `toWei` static (#501)
* Add static methods `toUnitAmount` and `toBaseUnitAmount` (#501)
## v0.5.0 - _April 2, 2018_
* Add `web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionMinedAsync` (#485)
* Add a public field `abiDecoder: AbiDecoder` which allows you to add your ABIs that are later used to decode logs (#485)
* Export enum `Web3WrapperErrors` with a single value so far: `TransactionMiningTimeout` (#485)
## v0.4.0 - _April 2, 2018_
* Rename `signTransactionAsync` to `signMessageAsync` for clarity (#465)
## v0.3.0 - _March 17, 2018_
* Add `web3Wrapper.takeSnapshotAsync`, `web3Wrapper.revertSnapshotAsync`, `web3Wrapper.mineBlockAsync`, `web3Wrapper.increaseTimeAsync` (#426)
* Add `web3Wrapper.isZeroExWeb3Wrapper` for runtime instanceOf checks (#426)
* Add a `getProvider` method (#444)
## v0.2.0 - _March 3, 2018_
* Ensure all returned user addresses are lowercase (#373)
* Add `web3Wrapper.callAsync` (#413)
* Make `web3Wrapper.estimateGas` accept whole `txData` instead of `data` (#413)
* Remove `web3Wrapper.getContractInstance` (#413)
## v0.1.12 - _February 8, 2018_
* Fix publishing issue where .npmignore was not properly excluding undesired content (#389)