blob: a009f0c86c6ca5ae6a5d8e9260671461057d5dd6 (
plain) (
import 'isomorphic-fetch';
export const fetchAsync = async (
endpoint: string,
options: RequestInit = {},
timeoutMs: number = 20000,
): Promise<Response> => {
let optionsWithAbortParam;
if ((process as any).browser === true) {
const controller = new AbortController();
const signal = controller.signal;
setTimeout(() => {
}, timeoutMs);
optionsWithAbortParam = {
} else {
// HACK: the `timeout` param only exists in `node-fetch`, and not on the `isomorphic-fetch`
// `RequestInit` type. Since `isomorphic-fetch` conditionally wraps `node-fetch` when the
// execution environment is `Node.js`, we need to cast it to `any` in that scenario.
optionsWithAbortParam = {
timeout: timeoutMs,
} as any;
const response = await fetch(endpoint, optionsWithAbortParam);
return response;