#!/usr/bin/env node
import { assert } from '@0xproject/assert';
import { Schema, schemas } from '@0xproject/json-schemas';
import { promisify } from '@0xproject/utils';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as newman from 'newman';
import * as yargs from 'yargs';
import * as sraReportCollectionJSON from '../../postman_collections/sra_report.postman_collection.json';
import { postmanEnvironmentFactory } from './postman_environment_factory';
import { utils } from './utils';
const SUPPORTED_NETWORK_IDS = [1, 3, 4, 42];
// extract command line arguments
const args = yargs
.option('endpoint-url', {
alias: ['e'],
describe: 'API endpoint url to test for standard relayer API compliance',
type: 'string',
demandOption: true,
.option('output', {
alias: ['o', 'out'],
describe: 'The relative path to write the report generated by the collection run, prints to console by default',
type: 'string',
normalize: true,
demandOption: false,
.option('network-id', {
alias: ['n'],
describe: 'ID of the network that the API is serving orders from',
type: 'number',
.option('environment', {
alias: ['env'],
describe: 'The relative path to a postman environment file for the collection run',
type: 'string',
normalize: true,
demandOption: false,
.option('export-collection', {
alias: ['ec'],
describe: 'The relative path to write the postman collection file used by the collection run',
type: 'string',
normalize: true,
demandOption: false,
.option('export-environment', {
alias: ['ee'],
describe: 'The relative path to write the postman environment file used by the collection run',
type: 'string',
normalize: true,
demandOption: false,
"$0 --endpoint-url 'http://api.example.com' --out 'path/to/report.json' --network-id 42 --environment 'path/to/custom/environment.json' --export-collection 'path/to/collection.json' --export-environment 'path/to/environment.json'",
'Full usage example',
// perform extra validation on command line arguments
try {
assert.isWebUri('args', args.endpointUrl);
} catch (err) {
utils.log(`${chalk.red(`Invalid url format:`)} ${args.endpointUrl}`);
if (!_.includes(SUPPORTED_NETWORK_IDS, args.networkId)) {
utils.log(`${chalk.red(`Unsupported network id:`)} ${args.networkId}`);
utils.log(`${chalk.bold(`Supported network ids:`)} ${SUPPORTED_NETWORK_IDS}`);
const mainAsync = async () => {
const newmanReporterOptions = !_.isUndefined(args.output)
? {
reporters: 'json',
reporter: {
json: {
export: args.output,
: {
reporters: 'cli',
const environment = !_.isUndefined(args.environment)
? args.environment
: await postmanEnvironmentFactory.createPostmanEnvironmentAsync(args.endpointUrl, args.networkId);
const newmanRunOptions = {
collection: sraReportCollectionJSON,
exportCollection: args.exportCollection,
exportEnvironment: args.exportEnvironment,
await utils.newmanRunAsync(newmanRunOptions);