#!/usr/bin/env node
import * as promisify from 'es6-promisify';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import opn = require('opn');
import { exec as execAsync } from 'promisify-child-process';
import * as prompt from 'prompt';
import semver = require('semver');
import semverSort = require('semver-sort');
import * as publishRelease from 'publish-release';
const publishReleaseAsync = promisify(publishRelease);
import { constants } from './constants';
import { Package, PackageToNextVersion, VersionChangelog } from './types';
import { changelogUtils } from './utils/changelog_utils';
import { configs } from './utils/configs';
import { utils } from './utils/utils';
import { generateAndUploadDocsAsync } from './doc_generate_and_upload';
const DOC_GEN_COMMAND = 'docs:json';
const NPM_NAMESPACE = '@0xproject/';
const TODAYS_TIMESTAMP = moment().unix();
const packageNameToWebsitePath: { [name: string]: string } = {
'0x.js': '0xjs',
'web3-wrapper': 'web3_wrapper',
contracts: 'contracts',
connect: 'connect',
'json-schemas': 'json-schemas',
'sol-compiler': 'sol-compiler',
'sol-cov': 'sol-cov',
subproviders: 'subproviders',
'order-utils': 'order-utils',
'ethereum-types': 'ethereum-types',
(async () => {
// Fetch public, updated Lerna packages
const shouldIncludePrivate = true;
const allUpdatedPackages = await utils.getUpdatedPackagesAsync(shouldIncludePrivate);
if (!configs.IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH) {
await confirmDocPagesRenderAsync(allUpdatedPackages);
// Update CHANGELOGs
const updatedPublicPackages = _.filter(allUpdatedPackages, pkg => !pkg.packageJson.private);
const updatedPublicPackageNames = _.map(updatedPublicPackages, pkg => pkg.packageJson.name);
utils.log(`Will update CHANGELOGs and publish: \n${updatedPublicPackageNames.join('\n')}\n`);
const packageToNextVersion = await updateChangeLogsAsync(updatedPublicPackages);
const updatedPrivatePackages = _.filter(allUpdatedPackages, pkg => pkg.packageJson.private);
_.each(updatedPrivatePackages, pkg => {
const currentVersion = pkg.packageJson.version;
const packageName = pkg.packageJson.name;
const nextPatchVersionIfValid = semver.inc(currentVersion, 'patch');
if (!_.isNull(nextPatchVersionIfValid)) {
packageToNextVersion[packageName] = nextPatchVersionIfValid;
} else {
throw new Error(`Encountered invalid semver version: ${currentVersion} for package: ${packageName}`);
// Push changelog changes to Github
if (!configs.IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH) {
await pushChangelogsToGithubAsync();
// Call LernaPublish
utils.log('Version updates to apply:');
_.each(packageToNextVersion, (versionChange: string, packageName: string) => {
utils.log(`${packageName} -> ${versionChange}`);
utils.log(`Calling 'lerna publish'...`);
await lernaPublishAsync(packageToNextVersion);
const isStaging = false;
await generateAndUploadDocJsonsAsync(updatedPublicPackages, isStaging);
await publishReleaseNotesAsync(updatedPublicPackages);
})().catch(err => {
async function generateAndUploadDocJsonsAsync(updatedPublicPackages: Package[], isStaging: boolean) {
for (const pkg of updatedPublicPackages) {
const packageName = pkg.packageJson.name;
const nameWithoutPrefix = packageName.replace('@0xproject/', '');
await generateAndUploadDocsAsync(nameWithoutPrefix, isStaging);
async function confirmDocPagesRenderAsync(packages: Package[]): Promise<void> {
// push docs to staging
utils.log("Upload all docJson's to S3 staging...");
const isStaging = true;
await generateAndUploadDocJsonsAsync(packages, isStaging);
// deploy website to staging
utils.log('Deploy website to staging...');
const pathToWebsite = `${constants.monorepoRootPath}/packages/website`;
await execAsync(`yarn deploy_staging`, { cwd: pathToWebsite });
const packagesWithDocs = _.filter(packages, pkg => {
const scriptsIfExists = pkg.packageJson.scripts;
if (_.isUndefined(scriptsIfExists)) {
throw new Error('Found a public package without any scripts in package.json');
return !_.isUndefined(scriptsIfExists[DOC_GEN_COMMAND]);
_.each(packagesWithDocs, pkg => {
const name = pkg.packageJson.name;
const nameWithoutPrefix = _.startsWith(name, NPM_NAMESPACE) ? name.split('@0xproject/')[1] : name;
const docSegmentIfExists = packageNameToWebsitePath[nameWithoutPrefix];
if (_.isUndefined(docSegmentIfExists)) {
throw new Error(
`Found package '${name}' with doc commands but no corresponding docSegment in monorepo_scripts
package.ts. Please add an entry for it and try again.`,
const link = `${constants.stagingWebsite}/docs/${docSegmentIfExists}`;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-floating-promises
const message = 'Do all the doc pages render properly? (yn)';
const result = await promisify(prompt.get)([message]);
const didConfirm = result[message] === 'y';
if (!didConfirm) {
utils.log('Publish process aborted.');
async function pushChangelogsToGithubAsync(): Promise<void> {
await execAsync(`git add . --all`, { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath });
await execAsync(`git commit -m "Updated CHANGELOGS"`, { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath });
await execAsync(`git push`, { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath });
utils.log(`Pushed CHANGELOG updates to Github`);
async function updateChangeLogsAsync(updatedPublicPackages: Package[]): Promise<PackageToNextVersion> {
const packageToNextVersion: PackageToNextVersion = {};
for (const pkg of updatedPublicPackages) {
const packageName = pkg.packageJson.name;
let changelog = changelogUtils.getChangelogOrCreateIfMissing(packageName, pkg.location);
const currentVersion = pkg.packageJson.version;
const shouldAddNewEntry = changelogUtils.shouldAddNewChangelogEntry(
if (shouldAddNewEntry) {
// Create a new entry for a patch version with generic changelog entry.
const nextPatchVersionIfValid = semver.inc(currentVersion, 'patch');
if (_.isNull(nextPatchVersionIfValid)) {
throw new Error(`Encountered invalid semver version: ${currentVersion} for package: ${packageName}`);
const newChangelogEntry: VersionChangelog = {
version: nextPatchVersionIfValid,
changes: [
note: 'Dependencies updated',
changelog = [newChangelogEntry, ...changelog];
packageToNextVersion[packageName] = nextPatchVersionIfValid;
} else {
// Update existing entry with timestamp
const lastEntry = changelog[0];
if (_.isUndefined(lastEntry.timestamp)) {
lastEntry.timestamp = TODAYS_TIMESTAMP;
// Check version number is correct.
const proposedNextVersion = lastEntry.version;
lastEntry.version = updateVersionNumberIfNeeded(currentVersion, proposedNextVersion);
changelog[0] = lastEntry;
packageToNextVersion[packageName] = lastEntry.version;
// Save updated CHANGELOG.json
await changelogUtils.writeChangelogJsonFileAsync(pkg.location, changelog);
utils.log(`${packageName}: Updated CHANGELOG.json`);
// Generate updated CHANGELOG.md
const changelogMd = changelogUtils.generateChangelogMd(changelog);
await changelogUtils.writeChangelogMdFileAsync(pkg.location, changelogMd);
utils.log(`${packageName}: Updated CHANGELOG.md`);
return packageToNextVersion;
async function publishReleaseNotesAsync(updatedPublishPackages: Package[]): Promise<void> {
// Git push a tag representing this publish (publish-{commit-hash}) (truncate hash)
const result = await execAsync('git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"', { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath });
const latestGitCommit = result.stdout;
const shortenedGitCommit = latestGitCommit.slice(0, 7);
const tagName = `monorepo@${shortenedGitCommit}`;
// TODO: We might need to handle the case where the tag already exists locally
await execAsync('git tag ${tagName}');
await execAsync('git push origin ${tagName}');
const releaseName = `0x monorepo - ${shortenedGitCommit}`;
let assets: string[] = [];
let aggregateNotes = '';
_.each(updatedPublishPackages, pkg => {
const notes = getReleaseNotesForPackage(pkg.packageJson.name, pkg.packageJson.version);
aggregateNotes += `### ${pkg.packageJson.name}@${pkg.packageJson.version}\n${notes}\n\n`;
const packageAssets = _.get(pkg.packageJson, 'config.postpublish.assets');
if (!_.isUndefined(packageAssets)) {
assets = [...assets, ...packageAssets];
utils.log('PUBLISH: Releasing ', releaseName, '...');
// TODO: Currently publish-release doesn't let you specify the labels for each asset uploaded
// Ideally we would like to name the assets after the package they are from
// Source: https://github.com/remixz/publish-release/issues/39
await publishReleaseAsync({
token: constants.githubPersonalAccessToken,
owner: '0xProject',
tag: tagName,
repo: '0x-monorepo',
name: releaseName,
notes: aggregateNotes,
draft: false,
prerelease: false,
reuseRelease: true,
reuseDraftOnly: false,
// Asset paths should described from the monorepo root. This method prefixes
// the supplied path with the absolute path to the monorepo root.
function adjustAssetPaths(assets: string[]): string[] {
const finalAssets: string[] = [];
_.each(assets, (asset: string) => {
return finalAssets;
function getReleaseNotesForPackage(packageName: string, version: string): string {
const packageNameWithoutNamespace = packageName.replace('@0xproject/', '');
const changelogJSONPath = path.join(
const changelogJSON = fs.readFileSync(changelogJSONPath, 'utf-8');
const changelogs = JSON.parse(changelogJSON);
const latestLog = changelogs[0];
// We sanity check that the version for the changelog notes we are about to publish to Github
// correspond to the new version of the package.
if (version !== latestLog.version) {
throw new Error('Expected CHANGELOG.json latest entry version to coincide with published version.');
let notes = '';
_.each(latestLog.changes, change => {
notes += `* ${change.note}`;
if (change.pr) {
notes += ` (#${change.pr})`;
notes += `\n`;
return notes;
async function lernaPublishAsync(packageToNextVersion: { [name: string]: string }): Promise<void> {
const packageVersionString = _.map(packageToNextVersion, (nextVersion: string, packageName: string) => {
return `${packageName}@${nextVersion}`;
let lernaPublishCmd = `node ${constants.lernaExecutable} publish --cdVersions=${packageVersionString} --registry=${
} --yes`;
if (configs.IS_LOCAL_PUBLISH) {
lernaPublishCmd += ` --skip-git`;
utils.log('Lerna is publishing...');
await execAsync(lernaPublishCmd, { cwd: constants.monorepoRootPath });
function updateVersionNumberIfNeeded(currentVersion: string, proposedNextVersion: string): string {
const updatedVersionIfValid = semver.inc(currentVersion, 'patch');
if (_.isNull(updatedVersionIfValid)) {
throw new Error(`Encountered invalid semver: ${currentVersion}`);
if (proposedNextVersion === currentVersion) {
return updatedVersionIfValid;
const sortedVersions = semverSort.desc([proposedNextVersion, currentVersion]);
if (sortedVersions[0] !== proposedNextVersion) {
return updatedVersionIfValid;
return proposedNextVersion;