import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils';
import * as chai from 'chai';
import * as dirtyChai from 'dirty-chai';
import forEach = require('lodash.foreach');
import 'mocha';
import { schemas, SchemaValidator } from '../src/index';
chai.config.includeStack = true;
const expect = chai.expect;
const NULL_ADDRESS = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const {
} = schemas;
describe('Schema', () => {
const validator = new SchemaValidator();
const validateAgainstSchema = (testCases: any[], schema: any, shouldFail = false) => {
forEach(testCases, (testCase: any) => {
const validationResult = validator.validate(testCase, schema);
const hasErrors = validationResult.errors.length !== 0;
if (shouldFail) {
if (!hasErrors) {
throw new Error(
`Expected testCase: ${JSON.stringify(testCase, null, '\t')} to fail and it didn't.`,
} else {
if (hasErrors) {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(validationResult.errors, null, '\t'));
const paginatedResponse = {
total: 100,
perPage: 10,
page: 3,
describe('#numberSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid numbers', () => {
const testCases = ['42', '0', '1.3', '0.2', '00.00'];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, numberSchema);
it('should fail for invalid numbers', () => {
const testCases = ['.3', '1.', 'abacaba', 'и', '1..0'];
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, numberSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#addressSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid addresses', () => {
const testCases = ['0x8b0292b11a196601ed2ce54b665cafeca0347d42', NULL_ADDRESS];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, addressSchema);
it('should fail for invalid addresses', () => {
const testCases = [
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, addressSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#hexSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid hex string', () => {
const testCases = ['0x8b0292b11a196601ed2ce54b665cafeca0347d42', NULL_ADDRESS];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, hexSchema);
it('should fail for invalid hex string', () => {
const testCases = ['0', '0xzzzzzzB11a196601eD2ce54B665CaFEca0347D42'];
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, hexSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#orderHashSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid order hash', () => {
const testCases = [
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderHashSchema);
it('should fail for invalid order hash', () => {
const testCases = [
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderHashSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#blockParamSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid block param', () => {
const blockNumber = 42;
const testCases = [blockNumber, 'latest', 'pending', 'earliest'];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, blockParamSchema);
it('should fail for invalid block param', () => {
const testCases = [{}, '42', 'pemding'];
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, blockParamSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#blockRangeSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid subscription opts', () => {
const testCases = [{ fromBlock: 42, toBlock: 'latest' }, { fromBlock: 42 }, {}];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, blockRangeSchema);
it('should fail for invalid subscription opts', () => {
const testCases = [{ fromBlock: '42' }];
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, blockRangeSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#tokenSchema', () => {
const token = {
name: 'Zero Ex',
symbol: 'ZRX',
decimals: 100500,
address: '0x8b0292b11a196601ed2ce54b665cafeca0347d42',
url: '',
it('should validate valid token', () => {
const testCases = [token];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, tokenSchema);
it('should fail for invalid token', () => {
const num = 4;
const testCases = [
address: null,
decimals: undefined,
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, tokenSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#paginatedCollectionSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid paginated collections', () => {
const testCases = [paginatedResponse];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, paginatedCollectionSchema);
it('should fail for invalid paginated collections', () => {
const paginatedCollectionNoTotal = {
page: 10,
perPage: 2,
const paginatedCollectionNoPerPage = {
page: 10,
total: 100,
const paginatedCollectionNoPage = {
total: 10,
perPage: 20,
const testCases = [{}, paginatedCollectionNoPage, paginatedCollectionNoPerPage, paginatedCollectionNoTotal];
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, paginatedCollectionSchema, shouldFail);
describe('order including schemas', () => {
const order = {
makerAddress: NULL_ADDRESS,
takerAddress: NULL_ADDRESS,
senderAddress: NULL_ADDRESS,
makerFee: '1',
takerFee: '2',
makerAssetAmount: '1',
takerAssetAmount: '2',
makerAssetData: NULL_ADDRESS,
takerAssetData: NULL_ADDRESS,
salt: '67006738228878699843088602623665307406148487219438534730168799356281242528500',
feeRecipientAddress: NULL_ADDRESS,
exchangeAddress: NULL_ADDRESS,
expirationTimeSeconds: '42',
const relayerApiOrder = {
metaData: {
someMetaData: 5,
const relayerApiOrdersResponse = {
records: [relayerApiOrder, relayerApiOrder],
describe('#orderSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid order', () => {
const testCases = [order];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderSchema);
it('should fail for invalid order', () => {
const testCases = [
salt: undefined,
salt: 'salt',
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderSchema, shouldFail);
describe('signed order including schemas', () => {
const signedOrder = {
describe('#signedOrdersSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid signed orders', () => {
const testCases = [[signedOrder], []];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, signedOrdersSchema);
it('should fail for invalid signed orders', () => {
const testCases = [[signedOrder, 1]];
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, signedOrdersSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#signedOrderSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid signed order', () => {
const testCases = [signedOrder];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, signedOrderSchema);
it('should fail for invalid signed order', () => {
const testCases = [
signature: undefined,
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, signedOrderSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#orderFillOrKillRequestsSchema', () => {
const orderFillOrKillRequests = [
fillTakerAmount: '5',
it('should validate valid order fill or kill requests', () => {
const testCases = [orderFillOrKillRequests];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderFillOrKillRequestsSchema);
it('should fail for invalid order fill or kill requests', () => {
const testCases = [
fillTakerAmount: undefined,
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderFillOrKillRequestsSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#orderCancellationRequestsSchema', () => {
const orderCancellationRequests = [
takerTokenCancelAmount: '5',
it('should validate valid order cancellation requests', () => {
const testCases = [orderCancellationRequests];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderCancellationRequestsSchema);
it('should fail for invalid order cancellation requests', () => {
const testCases = [
takerTokenCancelAmount: undefined,
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderCancellationRequestsSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#orderFillRequestsSchema', () => {
const orderFillRequests = [
takerTokenFillAmount: '5',
it('should validate valid order fill requests', () => {
const testCases = [orderFillRequests];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderFillRequestsSchema);
it('should fail for invalid order fill requests', () => {
const testCases = [
takerTokenFillAmount: undefined,
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, orderFillRequestsSchema, shouldFail);
describe('standard relayer api schemas', () => {
describe('#relayerApiOrderSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid relayer api order', () => {
const testCases = [relayerApiOrder];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrderSchema);
it('should fail for invalid relayer api orders', () => {
const testCases = [{}, order, { order }, { order, metaData: 5 }];
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrderSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#relayerApiErrorResponseSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid errorResponse', () => {
const testCases = [
code: 102,
reason: 'Order submission disabled',
code: 101,
reason: 'Validation failed',
validationErrors: [
field: 'maker',
code: 1002,
reason: 'Invalid address',
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiErrorResponseSchema);
it('should fail for invalid error responses', () => {
const testCases = [
code: 102,
code: '102',
reason: 'Order submission disabled',
reason: 'Order submission disabled',
code: 101,
reason: 'Validation failed',
validationErrors: [
field: 'maker',
reason: 'Invalid address',
code: 101,
reason: 'Validation failed',
validationErrors: [
field: 'maker',
code: '1002',
reason: 'Invalid address',
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiErrorResponseSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#relayerApiOrderConfigPayloadSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid fees payloads', () => {
const testCases = [
exchangeAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
makerAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
takerAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
makerAssetData: NULL_ADDRESS,
takerAssetData: NULL_ADDRESS,
makerAssetAmount: '10000000000000000000',
takerAssetAmount: '30000000000000000000',
expirationTimeSeconds: '42',
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrderConfigPayloadSchema);
it('should fail for invalid fees payloads', () => {
const checksummedAddress = '0xA2b31daCf30a9C50ca473337c01d8A201ae33e32';
const testCases = [
makerAssetAmount: '10000000000000000000',
takerAssetAmount: '30000000000000000000',
makerAssetData: NULL_ADDRESS,
takerAssetData: NULL_ADDRESS,
takerAddress: checksummedAddress,
makerAssetAmount: '10000000000000000000',
takerAssetAmount: '30000000000000000000',
makerAssetAmount: 10000000000000000000,
takerAssetAmount: 30000000000000000000,
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrderConfigPayloadSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#relayerApiOrderConfigResponseSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid fees responses', () => {
const testCases = [
makerFee: '10000000000000000',
takerFee: '30000000000000000',
feeRecipientAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
senderAddress: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrderConfigResponseSchema);
it('should fail for invalid fees responses', () => {
const checksummedAddress = '0xA2b31daCf30a9C50ca473337c01d8A201ae33e32';
const testCases = [
makerFee: 10000000000000000,
takerFee: 30000000000000000,
feeRecipient: checksummedAddress,
takerToSpecify: checksummedAddress,
makerFee: '10000000000000000',
takerFee: '30000000000000000',
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrderConfigResponseSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#relayerAssetDataPairsResponseSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid assetPairs response', () => {
const testCases = [
records: [],
records: [
assetDataA: {
assetData: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
minAmount: '0',
maxAmount: '10000000000000000000',
precision: 5,
assetDataB: {
assetData: '0xef7fff64389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990',
minAmount: '0',
maxAmount: '50000000000000000000',
precision: 5,
records: [
assetDataA: {
assetData: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
assetDataB: {
assetData: '0xef7fff64389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990',
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiAssetDataPairsResponseSchema);
it('should fail for invalid assetPairs responses', () => {
const testCases = [
records: [
assetDataA: {
assetData: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
minAmount: '0',
maxAmount: '10000000000000000000',
precision: 5,
assetDataC: {
assetData: '0xef7fff64389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990',
minAmount: '0',
maxAmount: '50000000000000000000',
precision: 5,
records: [
assetDataA: {
assetData: '0x323b5d4c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d',
minAmount: '0',
maxAmount: '10000000000000000000',
precision: 5,
assetDataB: {
assetData: '0xef7fff64389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990',
minAmount: '0',
maxAmount: '50000000000000000000',
precision: 5,
records: [
assetDataA: {
minAmount: '0',
maxAmount: '10000000000000000000',
precision: 5,
assetDataB: {
minAmount: '0',
maxAmount: '50000000000000000000',
precision: 5,
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiAssetDataPairsResponseSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#relayerApiOrdersResponseSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid orders responses', () => {
const testCases = [
records: [],
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrdersResponseSchema);
it('should fail for invalid orders responses', () => {
const testCases = [
records: [relayerApiOrder, relayerApiOrder],
records: [{}, relayerApiOrder],
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrdersResponseSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#relayerApiOrderbookResponseSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid order book responses', () => {
const testCases = [
bids: {
records: [relayerApiOrder],
asks: {
records: [],
bids: {
records: [relayerApiOrder, relayerApiOrder],
asks: {
records: [relayerApiOrder, relayerApiOrder],
bids: {
records: [],
asks: {
records: [relayerApiOrder, relayerApiOrder],
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrderbookResponseSchema);
it('should fail for invalid order fill requests', () => {
const testCases = [
bids: {
records: [relayerApiOrder],
asks: {
records: [],
bids: {
records: [relayerApiOrder, relayerApiOrder],
asks: {},
bids: {
asks: {
records: [relayerApiOrder, relayerApiOrder],
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrdersResponseSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#relayerApiOrdersChannelSubscribeSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid orders channel websocket subscribe message', () => {
const testCases = [
type: 'subscribe',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
type: 'subscribe',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
payload: {
makerAssetProxyId: '0x02571792',
takerAssetProxyId: '0xf47261b0',
type: 'subscribe',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
payload: {},
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrdersChannelSubscribeSchema);
it('should fail for invalid orders channel websocket subscribe message', () => {
const checksummedAddress = '0xA2b31daCf30a9C50ca473337c01d8A201ae33e32';
const testCases = [
type: 'subscribe',
channel: 'orders',
type: 'subscribe',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
payload: {
makerAssetProxyId: '0x02571792',
takerAssetProxyId: '0xf47261b0',
makerAssetAddress: checksummedAddress,
type: 'subscribe',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
payload: {
makerAssetProxyId: 'invalidId',
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrdersChannelSubscribeSchema, shouldFail);
describe('#relayerApiOrdersChannelUpdateSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid orders channel websocket update message', () => {
const testCases = [
type: 'update',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
payload: [relayerApiOrder],
type: 'update',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
payload: [],
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrdersChannelUpdateSchema);
it('should fail for invalid orders channel websocket update message', () => {
const testCases = [
type: 'foo',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
type: 'update',
channel: 'bar',
requestId: 2,
payload: [relayerApiOrder],
type: 'update',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
payload: {},
type: 'update',
channel: 'orders',
requestId: 'randomId',
payload: relayerApiErrorResponseSchema,
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, relayerApiOrdersChannelUpdateSchema, shouldFail);
describe('BigNumber serialization', () => {
it('should correctly serialize BigNumbers', () => {
const testCases = {
'42': '42',
'0': '0',
'1.3': '1.3',
'0.2': '0.2',
'00.00': '0',
'.3': '0.3',
forEach(testCases, (serialized: string, input: string) => {
expect(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(new BigNumber(input))));
describe('#jsNumberSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid js number', () => {
// tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers
const testCases = [1, 42];
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, jsNumber);
it('should fail for invalid js number', () => {
// tslint:disable-next-line:custom-no-magic-numbers
const testCases = [NaN, -1, new BigNumber(1)];
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, jsNumber, shouldFail);
describe('#txDataSchema', () => {
it('should validate valid txData', () => {
const bigNumGasAmount = new BigNumber(42);
const testCases = [
gas: bigNumGasAmount,
gas: 42,
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, txDataSchema);
it('should fail for invalid txData', () => {
const testCases = [
gas: new BigNumber(42),
unknownProp: 'here',
new BigNumber(1),
const shouldFail = true;
validateAgainstSchema(testCases, txDataSchema, shouldFail);
}); // tslint:disable:max-file-line-count