path: root/packages/devnet/Dockerfile
blob: 1115112bd0bdd2421656f691f80237dd271070f9 (plain) (tree)

FROM alpine:3.7

  apk add --update go git make gcc musl-dev linux-headers ca-certificates && \
  # TODO(albrow): Change the Git URL and branch once we have all relvant PRs
  # merged to upstream.
  git clone --depth 1 --branch sethead-txpool-fix https://github.com/0xProject/go-ethereum && \
  (cd go-ethereum && make geth) && \
  cp go-ethereum/build/bin/geth /geth && \
  apk del go git make gcc musl-dev linux-headers && \
  rm -rf /go-ethereum && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

RUN mkdir ~/devnet
WORKDIR ~/devnet

COPY genesis.json .
COPY node0/ ./node0
COPY run.sh .

RUN /geth --datadir node0/ init genesis.json

EXPOSE 30310


# TODO(albrow): Send a single transaction to increment the block number from 0
# to 1. This seems to prevent bugs in the tests. (There's probably something
# Geth doesn't like about getting reset back to block 0).