path: root/packages/contracts/globals.d.ts
blob: fe39fb11d8db1855b3d580ef391e693a8dc2970a (plain) (tree)



declare module 'chai-bignumber';
declare module 'dirty-chai';

// HACK: In order to merge the bignumber declaration added by chai-bignumber to the chai Assertion
// interface we must use `namespace` as the Chai definitelyTyped definition does. Since we otherwise
// disallow `namespace`, we disable tslint for the following.
/* tslint:disable */
declare namespace Chai {
    interface Assertion {
        bignumber: Assertion;
/* tslint:enable */

declare module '*.json' {
    const json: any;
    /* tslint:disable */
    export default json;
    /* tslint:enable */

declare module 'solc' {
    export function compile(sources: any, optimizerEnabled: number, findImports: (importPath: string) => any): any;
    export function setupMethods(solcBin: any): any;

declare module 'web3-eth-abi' {
    export function encodeParameters(typesArray: string[], parameters: any[]): string;

declare module 'ethereumjs-abi' {
    const soliditySHA3: (argTypes: string[], args: any[]) => Buffer;
    const methodID: (name: string, types: string[]) => Buffer;

declare module 'ethers-contracts' {
    export interface TransactionDescription {
        name: string;
        signature: string;
        sighash: string;
        data: string;
    export interface CallDescription extends TransactionDescription {
        parse: (...args: any[]) => any;
    export interface FunctionDescription {
        (...params: any[]): TransactionDescription | CallDescription;
        inputs: { names: string[]; types: string[] };
        outputs: { names: string[]; types: string[] };
    export interface EventDescription {
        inputs: { names: string[]; types: string[] };
        signature: string;
        topic: string;
    // tslint:disable-next-line:max-classes-per-file
    export class Interface {
        public functions: { [functionName: string]: FunctionDescription };
        public events: { [eventName: string]: EventDescription };
        constructor(abi: any);