#!/usr/bin/env node
import chalk from 'chalk';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import {sync as globSync} from 'glob';
import * as Handlebars from 'handlebars';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as mkdirp from 'mkdirp';
import * as yargs from 'yargs';
import toSnakeCase = require('to-snake-case');
import * as Web3 from 'web3';
import {ContextData, ParamKind} from './types';
import {utils} from './utils';
const ABI_TYPE_METHOD = 'function';
const MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME = 'contract.mustache';
const args = yargs
.option('abiGlob', {
describe: 'Glob pattern to search for ABI JSON files',
type: 'string',
demand: true,
.option('templates', {
describe: 'Folder where to search for templates',
type: 'string',
demand: true,
.option('output', {
describe: 'Folder where to put the output files',
type: 'string',
demand: true,
.option('fileExtension', {
describe: 'The extension of the output file',
type: 'string',
demand: true,
function writeOutputFile(name: string, renderedTsCode: string): void {
const fileName = toSnakeCase(name);
const filePath = `${args.output}/${fileName}.${args.fileExtension}`;
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, renderedTsCode);
utils.log(`Created: ${chalk.bold(filePath)}`);
Handlebars.registerHelper('parameterType', utils.solTypeToTsType.bind(utils, ParamKind.Input));
Handlebars.registerHelper('returnType', utils.solTypeToTsType.bind(utils, ParamKind.Output));
const partialTemplateFileNames = globSync(`${args.templates}/partials/**/*.mustache`);
for (const partialTemplateFileName of partialTemplateFileNames) {
const namedContent = utils.getNamedContent(partialTemplateFileName);
Handlebars.registerPartial(namedContent.name, namedContent.content);
const mainTemplate = utils.getNamedContent(`${args.templates}/${MAIN_TEMPLATE_NAME}`);
const template = Handlebars.compile<ContextData>(mainTemplate.content);
const abiFileNames = globSync(args.abiGlob);
if (_.isEmpty(abiFileNames)) {
utils.log(`${chalk.red(`No ABI files found.`)}`);
utils.log(`Please make sure you've passed the correct folder name and that the files have
${chalk.bold('*.json')} extensions`);
} else {
utils.log(`Found ${chalk.green(`${abiFileNames.length}`)} ${chalk.bold('ABI')} files`);
for (const abiFileName of abiFileNames) {
const namedContent = utils.getNamedContent(abiFileName);
utils.log(`Processing: ${chalk.bold(namedContent.name)}...`);
const parsedContent = JSON.parse(namedContent.content);
const ABI = _.isArray(parsedContent) ?
parsedContent : // ABI file
parsedContent.abi; // Truffle contracts file
if (_.isUndefined(ABI)) {
utils.log(`${chalk.red(`ABI not found in ${abiFileName}.`)}`);
utils.log(`Please make sure your ABI file is either an array with ABI entries or an object with the abi key`);
const methodAbis = ABI.filter((abi: Web3.AbiDefinition) => abi.type === ABI_TYPE_METHOD) as Web3.MethodAbi[];
const methodsData = _.map(methodAbis, methodAbi => {
_.map(methodAbi.inputs, input => {
if (_.isEmpty(input.name)) {
// Auto-generated getters don't have parameter names
input.name = 'index';
// This will make templates simpler
const methodData = {
singleReturnValue: methodAbi.outputs.length === 1,
return methodData;
const contextData = {
contractName: namedContent.name,
methods: methodsData,
const renderedTsCode = template(contextData);
writeOutputFile(namedContent.name, renderedTsCode);