pragma solidity ^0.5.0; contract Governance { // Nodes. struct Node { address owner; bytes publicKey; uint256 staked; uint256 fined; string name; string email; string location; string url; uint256 unstaked; uint256 unstakedAt; } // ReportType. enum ReportType { INVALID_DKG, FORK_VOTE, FORK_BLOCK } // 0: round to blockHeight mapping. uint256[] public roundHeight; // 1: totalSupply uint256 public totalSupply; // 2: totalStaked. uint256 public totalStaked; // 3: nodes. Node[] public nodes; // 4: stores the array index + 1 of nodes by address. mapping(address => int256) public nodesOffsetByAddress; // 5: stores the array index + 1 of nodes by address represented by node key. mapping(address => int256) public nodesOffsetByNodeKeyAddress; // 6: last proposed blockheight. mapping(address => uint256) public lastProposedHeight; // 7: crsRound. uint256 public crsRound; // 8: crs. bytes32 public crs; // 9: dkgRound. uint256 public dkgRound; // 10: dkgResetCount. uint256[] public dkgResetCount; // 11: dkgMasterPublicKeys bytes[] public dkgMasterPublicKeys; // 12: dkgMasterPublicKeyProposed mapping(bytes32 => bool) public dkgMasterPublicKeyProposed; // 13: dkgComplaints bytes[] public dkgComplaints; // 14: dkgComplaintsProposed mapping(bytes32 => bool) public dkgComplaintsProposed; // 15: dkgMPKReadys mapping(address => bool) public dkgMPKReadys; // 16: dkgMPKReadysCount uint256 public dkgMPKReadysCount; // 17: dkgFinalizeds mapping(address => bool) public dkgFinalizeds; // 18: dkgFinalizedsCount uint256 public dkgFinalizedsCount; // 19: owner address. address public owner; // 20: minStake uint256 public minStake; // 21: lockupPeriod uint256 public lockupPeriod; // 22: miningVelocity. uint256 public miningVelocity; // stored as miningVelocity * 10^8 // 23: nextHalvingSupply. uint256 public nextHalvingSupply; // 24: lastHalvedAmount. uint256 public lastHalvedAmount; // 25: min gas price. uint256 public minGasPrice; // 26: blockGasLimit. uint256 public blockGasLimit; // Lambda related. // 27: BA. uint256 public lambdaBA; // 28: DKG. uint256 public lambdaDKG; // Set related. // 29: notary set size uint256 public notarySetSize; // 30: notary set parameter: alpha. uint256 public notaryParamAlpha; // stored as notaryParamAlpha * 10^8 // 31: notary set parameter: beta. uint256 public notaryParamBeta; // stored as notaryParamBeta * 10^8 // 32: roundLength. uint256 public roundLength; // 33: minBlockInterval. uint256 public minBlockInterval; // 34: Fine value. uint256[] public fineValues; // 35: Fined records. mapping(bytes32 => bool) public finedRecords; // ---------- // Modifiers. // ---------- modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } // ------- // Events. // ------- event ConfigurationChanged(); event CRSProposed(uint256 indexed Round, bytes32 CRS); event NodeOwnershipTransfered(address indexed NodeAddress, address indexed NewOwnerAddress); event Staked(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); event Unstaked(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); event Withdrawn(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); event NodeAdded(address indexed NodeAddress); event NodeRemoved(address indexed NodeAddress); event ForkReported(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Type, bytes Arg1, bytes Arg2); event Fined(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); event FinePaid(address indexed NodeAddress, uint256 Amount); event DKGReset(uint256 indexed Round, uint256 BlockHeight); // transferOwnership(newOwner) function transferOwnership(address NewOwner) public onlyOwner { } // UpdateConfiguration(...) function updateConfiguration( uint256 MinStake, uint256 LockupPeriod, uint256 MinGasPrice, uint256 BlockGasLimit, uint256 LambdaBA, uint256 LambdaDKG, uint256 NotaryParamAlpha, uint256 NotaryParamBeta, uint256 RoundLength, uint256 MinBlockInterval, uint256[] memory FineValues) public onlyOwner { } // transferNodeOwnership(newOwner) function transferNodeOwnership(address NewOwner) public { } // Return number of nodes. function nodesLength() view public returns (uint256) { } // ProposeCRS(round, signedCRS) function proposeCRS(uint256 Round, bytes memory SignedCRS) public { } // AddDKGComplaint(round, complaint) function addDKGComplaint(uint256 Round, bytes memory Complaint) public { } // AddDKGMasterPublicKey(round, key) function addDKGMasterPublicKey(uint256 Round, bytes memory PublicKey) public { } // AddDKGMPKReady(round, ready) function addDKGMPKReady(uint256 Round, bytes memory MPKReady) public { } // AddDKGFinalize(round, finalize) function addDKGFinalize(uint256 Round, bytes memory Finalize) public { } // Register(public_key, name, email, location, url) function register(bytes memory PublicKey, string memory Name, string memory Email, string memory Location, string memory Url) public payable { } // Stake() function stake() public payable { } // Unstake() function unstake(uint256 Amount) public { } // Withdraw() function withdraw() public { } // PayFine(node) function payFine(address NodeAddress) public payable { } // Report(enum type, bytes[] payloads) function report(uint256 Type, bytes memory Arg1, bytes memory Arg2) public { } // ResetDKG(newSignedCRS) function resetDKG(bytes memory NewSignedCRS) public { } }