// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus Authors
// This file is part of the dexon-consensus library.
// The dexon-consensus library is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
// or (at your option) any later version.
// The dexon-consensus library is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the dexon-consensus library. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package simulation
import (
// PeerServer is the main object to collect results and monitor simulation.
type PeerServer struct {
peers map[types.NodeID]struct{}
msgChannel chan *test.TransportEnvelope
trans test.TransportServer
verifiedLen uint64
cfg *config.Config
ctx context.Context
ctxCancel context.CancelFunc
blockEvents map[types.NodeID]map[common.Hash][]time.Time
throughputRecords map[types.NodeID][]test.ThroughputRecord
// NewPeerServer returns a new PeerServer instance.
func NewPeerServer() *PeerServer {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return &PeerServer{
peers: make(map[types.NodeID]struct{}),
ctx: ctx,
ctxCancel: cancel,
blockEvents: make(map[types.NodeID]map[common.Hash][]time.Time),
throughputRecords: make(map[types.NodeID][]test.ThroughputRecord),
// isNode checks if nID is in p.peers. If peer server restarts but
// nodes are not, it will cause panic if nodes send message.
func (p *PeerServer) isNode(nID types.NodeID) bool {
_, exist := p.peers[nID]
return exist
// handleMessage is the handler for messages with Message as payload.
func (p *PeerServer) handleMessage(id types.NodeID, m *message) {
switch m.Type {
case shutdownAck:
delete(p.peers, id)
log.Printf("%v shutdown, %d remains.\n", id, len(p.peers))
if len(p.peers) == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown simulation message type: %v", m))
func (p *PeerServer) handleBlockEventMessage(
id types.NodeID, msg *test.BlockEventMessage) {
if _, exist := p.blockEvents[id]; !exist {
p.blockEvents[id] = make(map[common.Hash][]time.Time)
nodeEvents := p.blockEvents[id]
if _, exist := nodeEvents[msg.BlockHash]; !exist {
nodeEvents[msg.BlockHash] = []time.Time{}
nodeEvents[msg.BlockHash] = msg.Timestamps
func (p *PeerServer) handleThroughputData(
id types.NodeID, records *[]test.ThroughputRecord) {
p.throughputRecords[id] = append(p.throughputRecords[id], *records...)
func (p *PeerServer) mainLoop() {
for {
select {
case <-p.ctx.Done():
select {
case <-p.ctx.Done():
case e := <-p.msgChannel:
if !p.isNode(e.From) {
// Handle messages based on their type.
switch val := e.Msg.(type) {
case *message:
p.handleMessage(e.From, val)
case *test.BlockEventMessage:
p.handleBlockEventMessage(e.From, val)
case *[]test.ThroughputRecord:
p.handleThroughputData(e.From, val)
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown message: %v", reflect.TypeOf(e.Msg)))
// Setup prepares simualtion.
func (p *PeerServer) Setup(
cfg *config.Config) (serverEndpoint interface{}, err error) {
dMoment := time.Now().UTC()
// Setup transport layer.
switch cfg.Networking.Type {
case "tcp", "tcp-local":
p.trans = test.NewTCPTransportServer(&jsonMarshaller{}, peerPort)
dMoment = dMoment.Add(10 * time.Second)
case "fake":
p.trans = test.NewFakeTransportServer()
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown network type: %v", cfg.Networking.Type))
p.msgChannel, err = p.trans.Host()
if err != nil {
p.cfg = cfg
serverEndpoint = p.msgChannel
// Run the simulation.
func (p *PeerServer) Run() {
if err := p.trans.WaitForPeers(p.cfg.Node.Num); err != nil {
// Cache peers' info.
for _, pubKey := range p.trans.Peers() {
nID := types.NewNodeID(pubKey)
p.peers[nID] = struct{}{}
// Pick a mater node to execute pending config changes.
for nID := range p.peers {
if err := p.trans.Send(nID, ntfSelectedAsMaster); err != nil {
// Wait for peers to report 'setupOK' message.
readyPeers := make(map[types.NodeID]struct{})
for {
e := <-p.msgChannel
if !p.isNode(e.From) {
msg := e.Msg.(*message)
if msg.Type != setupOK {
panic(fmt.Errorf("receive an unexpected peer report: %v", msg))
log.Println("receive setupOK message from", e.From)
readyPeers[e.From] = struct{}{}
if len(readyPeers) == len(p.peers) {
if err := p.trans.Broadcast(
p.peers, &test.FixedLatencyModel{}, ntfReady); err != nil {
log.Println("Simulation is ready to go with", len(p.peers), "nodes")
// Block to handle incoming messages.
if err := p.trans.Close(); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error shutting down peerServer: %v\n", err)
func (p *PeerServer) logThroughputRecords() {
// Interval is the sample rate of calculating throughput data, the unit is
// nano second.
intervals := []int64{int64(time.Second), int64(100 * time.Millisecond)}
log.Println("======== throughput data ============")
for nid, records := range p.throughputRecords {
log.Printf("[Node %s]\n", nid)
msgTypes := []string{}
msgMap := make(map[string][]test.ThroughputRecord)
for _, record := range records {
msgMap[record.Type] = append(msgMap[record.Type], record)
for k := range msgMap {
msgTypes = append(msgTypes, k)
for _, interval := range intervals {
log.Printf(" %dms", interval/int64(time.Millisecond))
for _, msgType := range msgTypes {
sum := 0
startTime := msgMap[msgType][0].Time.UnixNano()
endTime := startTime
for _, record := range msgMap[msgType] {
sum += record.Size
t := record.Time.UnixNano()
// The receiving order might be different with sending order.
if t < startTime {
startTime = t
if t > endTime {
endTime = t
startIndex := startTime / interval
endIndex := endTime / interval
log.Printf(" %s (count: %d, size: %d)",
msgType, len(msgMap[msgType]), sum)
// A slot stores total throughput in the interval of that time. The
// index of slot of a specified time is calculated by deviding the
// interval and minusing the starting time. For example, start time is
// 5.5s, then time "7.123s"'s index of slot is
// 7123000000 / 100000000 - 55 = 71 - 55 = 16.
slots := make([]int, endIndex-startIndex+1)
for _, record := range msgMap[msgType] {
slots[record.Time.UnixNano()/interval-startIndex] += record.Size
mean, std := calculateMeanStdDeviationInts(slots)
log.Printf(" mean: %f, std: %f", mean, std)
min, med, max := getMinMedianMaxInts(slots)
log.Printf(" min: %d, med: %d, max: %d", min, med, max)
func (p *PeerServer) logBlockEvents() {
// diffs stores the difference between two consecutive event time.
diffs := [blockEventCount - 1][]float64{}
for _, blocks := range p.blockEvents {
for _, timestamps := range blocks {
for i := 0; i < blockEventCount-1; i++ {
diffs[i] = append(
log.Printf("======== block events (%d blocks) ============", len(diffs[0]))
for i, ary := range diffs {
mean, stdDeviation := calculateMeanStdDeviationFloat64s(ary)
min, med, max := getMinMedianMaxFloat64s(ary)
log.Printf(" event %d to %d", i, i+1)
log.Printf(" mean: %f, std dev = %f", mean, stdDeviation)
log.Printf(" min: %f, median: %f, max: %f", min, med, max)