function setupWasm(fileName, nameSpace, setupFct) { console.log('setupWasm ' + fileName) let mod = {} fetch(fileName) .then(response => response.arrayBuffer()) .then(buffer => new Uint8Array(buffer)) .then(binary => { mod['wasmBinary'] = binary mod['onRuntimeInitialized'] = function() { setupFct(mod, nameSpace) console.log('setupWasm end') } Module(mod) }) return mod } const MCLBN_CURVE_FP254BNB = 0 const MCLBN_CURVE_FP382_1 = 1 const MCLBN_CURVE_FP382_2 = 2 const MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE = 6 const BLS_ID_SIZE = MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE * 8 const BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE = BLS_ID_SIZE const BLS_PUBLICKEY_SIZE = BLS_ID_SIZE * 3 * 2 const BLS_SIGNATURE_SIZE = BLS_ID_SIZE * 3 BlsId = function() { this.a_ = new Uint32Array(BLS_ID_SIZE / 4) } BlsSecretKey = function() { this.a_ = new Uint32Array(BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE / 4) } BlsPublicKey = function() { this.a_ = new Uint32Array(BLS_PUBLICKEY_SIZE / 4) } BlsSignature = function() { this.a_ = new Uint32Array(BLS_SIGNATURE_SIZE / 4) } function define_bls_extra_functions(mod) { ptrToStr = function(pos, n) { let s = '' for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { s += String.fromCharCode(mod.HEAP8[pos + i]) } return s } Uint8ArrayToMem = function(pos, buf) { for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { mod.HEAP8[pos + i] = buf[i] } } AsciiStrToMem = function(pos, s) { for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { mod.HEAP8[pos + i] = s.charCodeAt(i) } } wrap_outputString = function(func, doesReturnString = true) { return function(x, ioMode = 0) { let maxBufSize = 2048 let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave() let pos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(maxBufSize) let n = func(pos, maxBufSize, x, ioMode) if (n < 0) { throw('err gen_str:' + x) } if (doesReturnString) { let s = ptrToStr(pos, n) mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) return s } else { let a = new Uint8Array(n) for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { a[i] = mod.HEAP8[pos + i] } mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) return a } } } wrap_outputArray = function(func) { return wrap_outputString(func, false) } wrap_input0 = function(func, returnValue = false) { return function(buf, ioMode = 0) { let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave() let pos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(buf.length) if (typeof(buf) == "string") { AsciiStrToMem(pos, buf) } else { Uint8ArrayToMem(pos, buf) } let r = func(pos, buf.length, ioMode) mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) if (returnValue) return r if (r) throw('err wrap_input0 ' + buf) } } wrap_input1 = function(func, returnValue = false) { return function(x1, buf, ioMode = 0) { let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave() let pos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(buf.length) if (typeof(buf) == "string") { AsciiStrToMem(pos, buf) } else { Uint8ArrayToMem(pos, buf) } let r = func(x1, pos, buf.length, ioMode) mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) if (returnValue) return r if (r) throw('err wrap_input1 ' + buf) } } wrap_input2 = function(func, returnValue = false) { return function(x1, x2, buf, ioMode = 0) { let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave() let pos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(buf.length) if (typeof(buf) == "string") { AsciiStrToMem(pos, buf) } else { Uint8ArrayToMem(pos, buf) } let r = func(x1, x2, pos, buf.length, ioMode) mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) if (returnValue) return r if (r) throw('err wrap_input2 ' + buf) } } wrap_keyShare = function(func, dataSize) { return function(x, vec, id) { let k = vec.length let p = mod._malloc(dataSize * k) for (let i = 0; i < k; i++) { mod._memcpy(p + i * dataSize, vec[i], dataSize) } let r = func(x, p, k, id) mod._free(p) if (r) throw('keyShare ' + k) } } wrap_recover = function(func, dataSize, idDataSize) { return function(x, vec, idVec) { let n = vec.length let p = mod._malloc(dataSize * n) let q = mod._malloc(idDataSize * n) for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { mod._memcpy(p + i * dataSize, vec[i], dataSize) mod._memcpy(q + i * idDataSize, idVec[i], idDataSize) } let r = func(x, p, q, n) mod._free(q) mod._free(p) if (r) throw('recover ' + n) } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const FR_SIZE = MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE * 8 const G1_SIZE = FR_SIZE * 3 const G2_SIZE = FR_SIZE * 3 * 2 const GT_SIZE = FR_SIZE * 12 mclBnFr_malloc = function() { return mod._malloc(FR_SIZE) } mcl_free = function(x) { mod._free(x) } mclBnFr_deserialize = wrap_input1(_mclBnFr_deserialize) mclBnFr_setLittleEndian = wrap_input1(_mclBnFr_setLittleEndian) mclBnFr_setStr = wrap_input1(_mclBnFr_setStr) mclBnFr_getStr = wrap_outputString(_mclBnFr_getStr) mclBnFr_setHashOf = wrap_input1(_mclBnFr_setHashOf) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mclBnG1_malloc = function() { return mod._malloc(G1_SIZE) } mclBnG1_setStr = wrap_input1(_mclBnG1_setStr) mclBnG1_getStr = wrap_outputString(_mclBnG1_getStr) mclBnG1_deserialize = wrap_input1(_mclBnG1_deserialize) mclBnG1_serialize = wrap_outputArray(_mclBnG1_serialize) mclBnG1_hashAndMapTo = wrap_input1(_mclBnG1_hashAndMapTo) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mclBnG2_malloc = function() { return mod._malloc(G2_SIZE) } mclBnG2_setStr = wrap_input1(_mclBnG2_setStr) mclBnG2_getStr = wrap_outputString(_mclBnG2_getStr) mclBnG2_deserialize = wrap_input1(_mclBnG2_deserialize) mclBnG2_serialize = wrap_outputArray(_mclBnG2_serialize) mclBnG2_hashAndMapTo = wrap_input1(_mclBnG2_hashAndMapTo) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mclBnGT_malloc = function() { return mod._malloc(GT_SIZE) } mclBnGT_deserialize = wrap_input1(_mclBnGT_deserialize) mclBnGT_serialize = wrap_outputArray(_mclBnGT_serialize) mclBnGT_setStr = wrap_input1(_mclBnGT_setStr) mclBnGT_getStr = wrap_outputString(_mclBnGT_getStr) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bls_free = mcl_free blsId_malloc = mclBnFr_malloc blsSecretKey_malloc = mclBnFr_malloc blsPublicKey_malloc = mclBnG2_malloc blsSignature_malloc = mclBnG1_malloc blsInit = function(curveType) { return _blsInit(curveType, MCLBN_FP_UNIT_SIZE) } blsGetCurveOrder = wrap_outputString(_blsGetCurveOrder) blsGetFieldOrder = wrap_outputString(_blsGetFieldOrder) blsIdSetDecStr = wrap_input1(_blsIdSetDecStr) blsIdSetHexStr = wrap_input1(_blsIdSetHexStr) blsIdGetDecStr = wrap_outputString(_blsIdGetDecStr) blsIdGetHexStr = wrap_outputString(_blsIdGetHexStr) blsSecretKeySetDecStr = wrap_input1(_blsSecretKeySetDecStr) blsSecretKeySetHexStr = wrap_input1(_blsSecretKeySetHexStr) blsSecretKeyGetDecStr = wrap_outputString(_blsSecretKeyGetDecStr) blsSecretKeyGetHexStr = wrap_outputString(_blsSecretKeyGetHexStr) blsIdSerialize = wrap_outputArray(_blsIdSerialize) blsSecretKeySerialize = wrap_outputArray(_blsSecretKeySerialize) blsPublicKeySerialize = wrap_outputArray(_blsPublicKeySerialize) blsSignatureSerialize = wrap_outputArray(_blsSignatureSerialize) blsIdDeserialize = wrap_input1(_blsIdDeserialize) blsSecretKeyDeserialize = wrap_input1(_blsSecretKeyDeserialize) blsPublicKeyDeserialize = wrap_input1(_blsPublicKeyDeserialize) blsSignatureDeserialize = wrap_input1(_blsSignatureDeserialize) blsSecretKeySetLittleEndian = wrap_input1(_blsSecretKeySetLittleEndian) blsHashToSecretKey = wrap_input1(_blsHashToSecretKey) blsSign = wrap_input2(_blsSign) blsVerify = wrap_input2(_blsVerify, true) blsSecretKeyShare = wrap_keyShare(_blsSecretKeyShare, BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE) blsPublicKeyShare = wrap_keyShare(_blsPublicKeyShare, BLS_PUBLICKEY_SIZE) blsSecretKeyRecover = wrap_recover(_blsSecretKeyRecover, BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE, BLS_ID_SIZE) blsPublicKeyRecover = wrap_recover(_blsPublicKeyRecover, BLS_PUBLICKEY_SIZE, BLS_ID_SIZE) blsSignatureRecover = wrap_recover(_blsSignatureRecover, BLS_SIGNATURE_SIZE, BLS_ID_SIZE) let crypto = window.crypto || window.msCrypto let copyToUint32Array = function(a, pos) { for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = mod.HEAP32[pos / 4 + i] } } let copyFromUint32Array = function(pos, a) { for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { mod.HEAP32[pos / 4 + i] = a[i] } } let callSetter = function(func, a, p1, p2) { let pos = mod._malloc(a.length * 4) func(pos, p1, p2) // p1, p2 may be undefined copyToUint32Array(a, pos) mod._free(pos) } let callGetter = function(func, a, p1, p2) { let pos = mod._malloc(a.length * 4) mod.HEAP32.set(a, pos / 4) let s = func(pos, p1, p2) mod._free(pos) return s } let callModifier = function(func, a, p1, p2) { let pos = mod._malloc(a.length * 4) mod.HEAP32.set(a, pos / 4) func(pos, p1, p2) // p1, p2 may be undefined copyToUint32Array(a, pos) mod._free(pos) } /// BlsId BlsId.prototype.setInt = function(x) { callSetter(blsIdSetInt, this.a_, x) } BlsId.prototype.setByCSPRNG = function() { callSetter(blsSecretKeySetByCSPRNG, this.a_) // same type of BlsSecretKey } BlsId.prototype.setStr = function(s, base = 10) { switch (base) { case 10: callSetter(blsIdSetDecStr, this.a_, s) return case 16: callSetter(blsIdSetHexStr, this.a_, s) return default: throw('BlsId.setStr:bad base:' + base) } } BlsId.prototype.deserialize = function(s) { callSetter(blsIdDeserialize, this.a_, s) } BlsId.prototype.getStr = function(base = 10) { switch (base) { case 10: return callGetter(blsIdGetDecStr, this.a_) case 16: return callGetter(blsIdGetHexStr, this.a_) default: throw('BlsId.getStr:bad base:' + base) } } BlsId.prototype.serialize = function() { return callGetter(blsIdSerialize, this.a_) } /// BlsSecretKey BlsSecretKey.prototype.setInt = function(x) { callSetter(blsIdSetInt, this.a_, x) // same as Id } BlsSecretKey.prototype.deserialize = function(s) { callSetter(blsSecretKeyDeserialize, this.a_, s) } BlsSecretKey.prototype.setLittleEndian = function(s) { callSetter(blsSecretKeySetLittleEndian, this.a_, s) } BlsSecretKey.prototype.serialize = function() { return callGetter(blsSecretKeySerialize, this.a_) } BlsSecretKey.prototype.setHashOf = function(s) { callSetter(blsHashToSecretKey, this.a_, s) } BlsSecretKey.prototype.setByCSPRNG = function() { let a = new Uint8Array(BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE) crypto.getRandomValues(a) this.setLittleEndian(a) // callSetter(blsSecretKeySetByCSPRNG, this.a_) } // return BlsPublicKey BlsSecretKey.prototype.getPublicKey = function() { let pub = new BlsPublicKey() let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave() let secPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(this.a_.length * 4) let pubPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(pub.a_.length * 4) mod.HEAP32.set(this.a_, secPos / 4) blsGetPublicKey(pubPos, secPos) copyToUint32Array(pub.a_, pubPos) mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) return pub } /* input m : message (string or Uint8Array) return BlsSignature */ BlsSecretKey.prototype.sign = function(m) { let sig = new BlsSignature() let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave() let secPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(this.a_.length * 4) let sigPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(sig.a_.length * 4) mod.HEAP32.set(this.a_, secPos / 4) blsSign(sigPos, secPos, m) copyToUint32Array(sig.a_, sigPos) mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) return sig } let share = function(func, a, size, vec, id) { let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave() let pos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(a.length * 4) let idPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(id.a_.length * 4) mod.HEAP32.set(a, pos / 4) mod.HEAP32.set(id.a_, idPos / 4) let vecPos = mod._malloc(size * vec.length) for (let i = 0; i < vec.length; i++) { copyFromUint32Array(vecPos + size * i, vec[i].a_) } func(pos, vecPos, vec.length, idPos) mod._free(vecPos) copyToUint32Array(a, pos) mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) } let recover = function(func, a, size, vec, idVec) { let n = vec.length if (n != idVec.length) throw('recover:bad length') let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave() let secPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(a.length * 4) let vecPos = mod._malloc(size * n) let idVecPos = mod._malloc(BLS_ID_SIZE * n) for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { copyFromUint32Array(vecPos + size * i, vec[i].a_) copyFromUint32Array(idVecPos + BLS_ID_SIZE * i, idVec[i].a_) } func(secPos, vecPos, idVecPos, n) mod._free(idVecPos) mod._free(vecPos) copyToUint32Array(a, secPos) mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) } /* set shared BlsSecretKey by msk and id input msk : master secret key(array of BlsSecretKey) id : BlsId */ BlsSecretKey.prototype.share = function(msk, id) { share(_blsSecretKeyShare, this.a_, BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE, msk, id) } BlsPublicKey.prototype.share = function(msk, id) { share(_blsPublicKeyShare, this.a_, BLS_PUBLICKEY_SIZE, msk, id) } /* recover BlsSecretKey from (secVec, idVec) secVec : array of BlsSecretKey */ BlsSecretKey.prototype.recover = function(secVec, idVec) { recover(_blsSecretKeyRecover, this.a_, BLS_SECRETKEY_SIZE, secVec, idVec) } BlsPublicKey.prototype.recover = function(secVec, idVec) { recover(_blsPublicKeyRecover, this.a_, BLS_PUBLICKEY_SIZE, secVec, idVec) } BlsSignature.prototype.recover = function(secVec, idVec) { recover(_blsSignatureRecover, this.a_, BLS_SIGNATURE_SIZE, secVec, idVec) } /// BlsPublicKey BlsPublicKey.prototype.deserialize = function(s) { callSetter(blsPublicKeyDeserialize, this.a_, s) } BlsPublicKey.prototype.serialize = function() { return callGetter(blsPublicKeySerialize, this.a_) } BlsPublicKey.prototype.verify = function(sig, m) { let stack = mod.Runtime.stackSave() let pubPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(this.a_.length * 4) let sigPos = mod.Runtime.stackAlloc(sig.a_.length * 4) mod.HEAP32.set(this.a_, pubPos / 4) mod.HEAP32.set(sig.a_, sigPos / 4) let r = blsVerify(sigPos, pubPos, m) mod.Runtime.stackRestore(stack) return r != 0 } /// BlsSignature BlsSignature.prototype.deserialize = function(s) { callSetter(blsSignatureDeserialize, this.a_, s) } BlsSignature.prototype.serialize = function() { return callGetter(blsSignatureSerialize, this.a_) } }