import { AbiDefinition, AbiType, DecodedLogArgs, EventAbi, EventParameter, LogEntry, LogWithDecodedArgs, MethodAbi, RawLog, SolidityTypes, } from 'ethereum-types'; import * as ethers from 'ethers'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import { AbiEncoder } from '.'; import { addressUtils } from './address_utils'; import { BigNumber } from './configured_bignumber'; import { DecodedCalldata, SelectorToFunctionInfo } from './types'; /** * AbiDecoder allows you to decode event logs given a set of supplied contract ABI's. It takes the contract's event * signature from the ABI and attempts to decode the logs using it. */ export class AbiDecoder { private readonly _eventIds: { [signatureHash: string]: { [numIndexedArgs: number]: EventAbi } } = {}; private readonly _selectorToFunctionInfo: SelectorToFunctionInfo = {}; /** * Retrieves the function selector from calldata. * @param calldata hex-encoded calldata. * @return hex-encoded function selector. */ private static _getFunctionSelector(calldata: string): string { const functionSelectorLength = 10; if (!calldata.startsWith('0x') || calldata.length < functionSelectorLength) { throw new Error( `Malformed calldata. Must include a hex prefix '0x' and 4-byte function selector. Got '${calldata}'`, ); } const functionSelector = calldata.substr(0, functionSelectorLength); return functionSelector; } /** * Instantiate an AbiDecoder * @param abiArrays An array of contract ABI's * @return AbiDecoder instance */ constructor(abiArrays: AbiDefinition[][]) { _.each(abiArrays, abi => { this.addABI(abi); }); } /** * Attempt to decode a log given the ABI's the AbiDecoder knows about. * @param log The log to attempt to decode * @return The decoded log if the requisite ABI was available. Otherwise the log unaltered. */ public tryToDecodeLogOrNoop(log: LogEntry): LogWithDecodedArgs | RawLog { const eventId = log.topics[0]; const numIndexedArgs = log.topics.length - 1; if (_.isUndefined(this._eventIds[eventId]) || _.isUndefined(this._eventIds[eventId][numIndexedArgs])) { return log; } const event = this._eventIds[eventId][numIndexedArgs]; const ethersInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface([event]); const decodedParams: DecodedLogArgs = {}; let topicsIndex = 1; let decodedData: any[]; try { decodedData =[].decode(; } catch (error) { if (error.code === ethers.errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT) { // Because we index events by Method ID, and Method IDs are derived from the method // name and the input parameters, it's possible that the return value of the event // does not match our ABI. If that's the case, then ethers will throw an error // when we try to parse the event. We handle that case here by returning the log rather // than throwing an error. return log; } throw error; } let didFailToDecode = false; _.forEach(event.inputs, (param: EventParameter, i: number) => { // Indexed parameters are stored in topics. Non-indexed ones in decodedData let value: BigNumber | string | number = param.indexed ? log.topics[topicsIndex++] : decodedData[i]; if (_.isUndefined(value)) { didFailToDecode = true; return; } if (param.type === SolidityTypes.Address) { const baseHex = 16; value = addressUtils.padZeros(new BigNumber((value as string).toLowerCase()).toString(baseHex)); } else if (param.type === SolidityTypes.Uint256 || param.type === SolidityTypes.Uint) { value = new BigNumber(value); } else if (param.type === SolidityTypes.Uint8) { value = new BigNumber(value).toNumber(); } decodedParams[] = value; }); if (didFailToDecode) { return log; } else { return { ...log, event:, args: decodedParams, }; } } /** * Decodes calldata for a known ABI. * @param calldata hex-encoded calldata. * @param contractName used to disambiguate similar ABI's (optional). * @return Decoded calldata. Includes: function name and signature, along with the decoded arguments. */ public decodeCalldataOrThrow(calldata: string, contractName?: string): DecodedCalldata { const functionSelector = AbiDecoder._getFunctionSelector(calldata); const candidateFunctionInfos = this._selectorToFunctionInfo[functionSelector]; if (_.isUndefined(candidateFunctionInfos)) { throw new Error(`No functions registered for selector '${functionSelector}'`); } const functionInfo = _.find(candidateFunctionInfos, candidateFunctionInfo => { return ( _.isUndefined(contractName) || _.toLower(contractName) === _.toLower(candidateFunctionInfo.contractName) ); }); if (_.isUndefined(functionInfo)) { throw new Error( `No function registered with selector ${functionSelector} and contract name ${contractName}.`, ); } else if (_.isUndefined(functionInfo.abiEncoder)) { throw new Error( `Function ABI Encoder is not defined, for function registered with selector ${functionSelector} and contract name ${contractName}.`, ); } const functionName = functionInfo.abiEncoder.getDataItem().name; const functionSignature = functionInfo.abiEncoder.getSignatureType(); const functionArguments = functionInfo.abiEncoder.decode(calldata); const decodedCalldata = { functionName, functionSignature, functionArguments, }; return decodedCalldata; } /** * Adds a set of ABI definitions, after which calldata and logs targeting these ABI's can be decoded. * Additional properties can be included to disambiguate similar ABI's. For example, if two functions * have the same signature but different parameter names, then their ABI definitions can be disambiguated * by specifying a contract name. * @param abiDefinitions ABI definitions for a given contract. * @param contractName Name of contract that encapsulates the ABI definitions (optional). * This can be used when decoding calldata to disambiguate methods with * the same signature but different parameter names. */ public addABI(abiArray: AbiDefinition[], contractName?: string): void { if (_.isUndefined(abiArray)) { return; } const ethersInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(abiArray);, (abi: AbiDefinition) => { switch (abi.type) { case AbiType.Event: // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion this._addEventABI(abi as EventAbi, ethersInterface); break; case AbiType.Function: // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unnecessary-type-assertion this._addMethodABI(abi as MethodAbi, contractName); break; default: // ignore other types break; } }); } private _addEventABI(eventAbi: EventAbi, ethersInterface: ethers.utils.Interface): void { const topic =[].topic; const numIndexedArgs = _.reduce(eventAbi.inputs, (sum, input) => (input.indexed ? sum + 1 : sum), 0); this._eventIds[topic] = { ...this._eventIds[topic], [numIndexedArgs]: eventAbi, }; } private _addMethodABI(methodAbi: MethodAbi, contractName?: string): void { const abiEncoder = new AbiEncoder.Method(methodAbi); const functionSelector = abiEncoder.getSelector(); if (!(functionSelector in this._selectorToFunctionInfo)) { this._selectorToFunctionInfo[functionSelector] = []; } // Recored a copy of this ABI for each deployment const functionSignature = abiEncoder.getSignature(); this._selectorToFunctionInfo[functionSelector].push({ functionSignature, abiEncoder, contractName, }); } }