[ { "version": "3.0.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Upgrade the bignumber.js to v8.0.2", "pr": 1517 } ], "timestamp": 1549373905 }, { "timestamp": 1547561734, "version": "2.0.2", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1547225310, "version": "2.0.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "version": "2.0.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Improve async-suffix rule to check functions too, not just methods", "pr": 1425 } ], "timestamp": 1544739608 }, { "version": "1.0.10", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ], "timestamp": 1541740904 }, { "timestamp": 1539871071, "version": "1.0.9", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1538693146, "version": "1.0.8", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1536142250, "version": "1.0.7", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1535133899, "version": "1.0.6", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1534210131, "version": "1.0.5", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1532614997, "version": "1.0.4", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1532605697, "version": "1.0.3", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1532551340, "version": "1.0.2", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1532357734, "version": "1.0.1", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1532043000, "version": "1.0.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Added a bunch of rules", "pr": 883 } ] }, { "timestamp": 1531149657, "version": "0.4.21", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1529397769, "version": "0.4.20", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "version": "0.4.19", "changes": [ { "note": "Incorrect publish that was unpublished" } ], "timestamp": 1527810075 }, { "timestamp": 1527009133, "version": "0.4.18", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1525428773, "version": "0.4.17", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1524044013, "version": "0.4.16", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1523462196, "version": "0.4.15", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1522673609, "version": "0.4.14", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "timestamp": 1522658513, "version": "0.4.13", "changes": [ { "note": "Dependencies updated" } ] }, { "version": "0.4.9", "changes": [ { "note": "Move devDeps to deps to fix missed dependency issue in published package." } ], "timestamp": 1518102000 }, { "version": "0.4.8", "changes": [ { "note": "Fix publish issue where custom TSLint rules were not being included", "pr": 389 } ], "timestamp": 1518102000 }, { "version": "0.4.7", "changes": [ { "note": "Modified custom 'underscore-privates' rule, changing it to 'underscore-private-and-protected' requiring underscores to be prepended to both private and protected variable names", "pr": 354 } ], "timestamp": 1517929200 }, { "version": "0.4.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Added custom 'underscore-privates' rule, requiring underscores to be prepended to private variable names" }, { "note": "Because our tools can be used in both a TS and JS environment, we want to make the private methods of any public facing interface show up at the bottom of auto-complete lists. Additionally, we wanted to remain consistent with respect to our usage of underscores in order to enforce this rule with a linter rule, rather then manual code reviews." } ], "timestamp": 1514386800 }, { "version": "0.3.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Added rules for unused imports, variables and Async suffixes", "pr": 265 } ], "timestamp": 1513695600 }, { "version": "0.1.0", "changes": [ { "note": "Re-published TsLintConfig previously published under NPM package `tslint-config-0xproject`" }, { "note": "Updated to TSLint v5.8.0, requiring several rule additions to keep our conventions aligned." } ], "timestamp": 1510585200 } ]