import * as _ from 'lodash'; declare class LedgerTransport { // tslint:disable-next-line:async-suffix public static create(): Promise; // tslint:disable-next-line:async-suffix public static close(): Promise; } export interface LedgerCommunicationClient { close: () => Promise; } export interface LedgerEthereumClient { getAddress: ( derivationPath: string, askForDeviceConfirmation?: boolean, shouldGetChainCode?: boolean, ) => Promise<{ publicKey: string; address: string; chainCode: string }>; signTransaction: (derivationPath: string, rawTxHex: string) => Promise; signPersonalMessage: (derivationPath: string, messageHex: string) => Promise; transport: LedgerCommunicationClient; } /* * The LedgerEthereumClient sends Ethereum-specific requests to the Ledger Nano S * It uses an internal LedgerCommunicationClient to relay these requests. Currently * NodeJs and Browser communication are supported. */ // export interface LedgerEthereumClient { // // shouldGetChainCode is defined as `true` instead of `boolean` because other types rely on the assumption // // that we get back the chain code and we don't have dependent types to express it properly // getAddress_async: ( // derivationPath: string, // askForDeviceConfirmation: boolean, // shouldGetChainCode: true, // ) => Promise; // signPersonalMessage_async: (derivationPath: string, messageHex: string) => Promise; // signTransaction_async: (derivationPath: string, txHex: string) => Promise; // comm: LedgerCommunicationClient; // } export interface ECSignatureString { v: string; r: string; s: string; } export interface ECSignature { v: number; r: string; s: string; } export type LedgerEthereumClientFactoryAsync = () => Promise; /* * networkId: The ethereum networkId to set as the chainId from EIP155 * ledgerConnectionType: Environment in which you wish to connect to Ledger (nodejs or browser) * derivationPath: Initial derivation path to use e.g 44'/60'/0' * accountFetchingConfigs: configs related to fetching accounts from a Ledger */ export interface LedgerSubproviderConfigs { networkId: number; ledgerEthereumClientFactoryAsync: LedgerEthereumClientFactoryAsync; derivationPath?: string; accountFetchingConfigs?: AccountFetchingConfigs; } /* * numAddressesToReturn: Number of addresses to return from 'eth_accounts' call * shouldAskForOnDeviceConfirmation: Whether you wish to prompt the user on their Ledger * before fetching their addresses */ export interface AccountFetchingConfigs { numAddressesToReturn?: number; shouldAskForOnDeviceConfirmation?: boolean; } export interface SignatureData { hash: string; r: string; s: string; v: number; } export interface LedgerGetAddressResult { address: string; publicKey: string; chainCode: string; } export interface LedgerWalletSubprovider { getPath: () => string; setPath: (path: string) => void; setPathIndex: (pathIndex: number) => void; } export interface PartialTxParams { nonce: string; gasPrice?: string; gas: string; to: string; from?: string; value?: string; data?: string; chainId: number; // EIP 155 chainId - mainnet: 1, ropsten: 3 } export type DoneCallback = (err?: Error) => void; export interface JSONRPCPayload { params: any[]; method: string; } export interface LedgerCommunication { close_async: () => Promise; } export interface ResponseWithTxParams { raw: string; tx: PartialTxParams; } export enum LedgerSubproviderErrors { TooOldLedgerFirmware = 'TOO_OLD_LEDGER_FIRMWARE', FromAddressMissingOrInvalid = 'FROM_ADDRESS_MISSING_OR_INVALID', DataMissingForSignPersonalMessage = 'DATA_MISSING_FOR_SIGN_PERSONAL_MESSAGE', SenderInvalidOrNotSupplied = 'SENDER_INVALID_OR_NOT_SUPPLIED', MultipleOpenConnectionsDisallowed = 'MULTIPLE_OPEN_CONNECTIONS_DISALLOWED', } export enum NonceSubproviderErrors { EmptyParametersFound = 'EMPTY_PARAMETERS_FOUND', CannotDetermineAddressFromPayload = 'CANNOT_DETERMINE_ADDRESS_FROM_PAYLOAD', } export type OptionalNextCallback = (callback?: (err: Error | null, result: any, cb: any) => void) => void; export type ErrorCallback = (err: Error | null, data?: any) => void;