import { logUtils } from '@0x/utils'; import { CompilerOptions, ContractArtifact } from 'ethereum-types'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as glob from 'glob'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as path from 'path'; import { ContractData, SourceCodes, Sources } from '../types'; import { AbstractArtifactAdapter } from './abstract_artifact_adapter'; const CONFIG_FILE = 'compiler.json'; export class SolCompilerArtifactAdapter extends AbstractArtifactAdapter { private readonly _artifactsPath: string; private readonly _sourcesPath: string; /** * Instantiates a SolCompilerArtifactAdapter * @param artifactsPath Path to your artifacts directory * @param sourcesPath Path to your contract sources directory */ constructor(artifactsPath?: string, sourcesPath?: string) { super(); const config: CompilerOptions = fs.existsSync(CONFIG_FILE) ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(CONFIG_FILE).toString()) : {}; if (_.isUndefined(artifactsPath) && _.isUndefined(config.artifactsDir)) { throw new Error(`artifactsDir not found in ${CONFIG_FILE}`); } this._artifactsPath = (artifactsPath || config.artifactsDir) as string; if (_.isUndefined(sourcesPath) && _.isUndefined(config.contractsDir)) { throw new Error(`contractsDir not found in ${CONFIG_FILE}`); } this._sourcesPath = (sourcesPath || config.contractsDir) as string; } public async collectContractsDataAsync(): Promise { const artifactsGlob = `${this._artifactsPath}/**/*.json`; const artifactFileNames = glob.sync(artifactsGlob, { absolute: true }); const contractsData: ContractData[] = []; for (const artifactFileName of artifactFileNames) { const artifact: ContractArtifact = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(artifactFileName).toString()); if (_.isUndefined(artifact.compilerOutput.evm)) { logUtils.warn(`${artifactFileName} doesn't contain bytecode. Skipping...`); continue; } const sources: Sources = {}; const sourceCodes: SourceCodes = {};, (value: { id: number }, relativeFilePath: string) => { const filePath = path.resolve(this._sourcesPath, relativeFilePath); const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString(); sources[] = filePath; sourceCodes[] = fileContent; }); const contractData = { sourceCodes, sources, bytecode: artifact.compilerOutput.evm.bytecode.object, sourceMap: artifact.compilerOutput.evm.bytecode.sourceMap, runtimeBytecode: artifact.compilerOutput.evm.deployedBytecode.object, sourceMapRuntime: artifact.compilerOutput.evm.deployedBytecode.sourceMap, }; contractsData.push(contractData); } return contractsData; } }