import { CryptoCompareOHLCVRecord } from '../../data_sources/ohlcv_external/crypto_compare'; import { OHLCVExternal } from '../../entities'; const ONE_SECOND = 1000; // Crypto Compare uses timestamps in seconds instead of milliseconds export interface OHLCVMetadata { exchange: string; fromSymbol: string; toSymbol: string; source: string; observedTimestamp: number; interval: number; } /** * Parses OHLCV records from Crypto Compare into an array of OHLCVExternal entities * @param rawRecords an array of OHLCV records from Crypto Compare (not the full response) */ export function parseRecords(rawRecords: CryptoCompareOHLCVRecord[], metadata: OHLCVMetadata): OHLCVExternal[] { return => { const ohlcvRecord = new OHLCVExternal(); =; ohlcvRecord.fromSymbol = metadata.fromSymbol; ohlcvRecord.toSymbol = metadata.toSymbol; ohlcvRecord.startTime = rec.time * ONE_SECOND - metadata.interval; ohlcvRecord.endTime = rec.time * ONE_SECOND; =; ohlcvRecord.close = rec.close; ohlcvRecord.low = rec.low; ohlcvRecord.high = rec.high; ohlcvRecord.volumeFrom = rec.volumefrom; ohlcvRecord.volumeTo = rec.volumeto; ohlcvRecord.source = metadata.source; ohlcvRecord.observedTimestamp = metadata.observedTimestamp; return ohlcvRecord; }); }