import { Calldata, CalldataBlock, PayloadCalldataBlock, DependentCalldataBlock, MemberCalldataBlock } from "./calldata"; import { MethodAbi, DataItem } from 'ethereum-types'; import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils'; import ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util'); var _ = require('lodash'); export abstract class DataType { private dataItem: DataItem; constructor(dataItem: DataItem) { this.dataItem = dataItem; } public getDataItem(): DataItem { return this.dataItem; } public abstract generateCalldataBlock(value: any, parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): CalldataBlock; public abstract encode(value: any, calldata: Calldata): void; public abstract getSignature(): string; public abstract isStatic(): boolean; } export abstract class PayloadDataType extends DataType { protected hasConstantSize: boolean; public constructor(dataItem: DataItem, hasConstantSize: boolean) { super(dataItem); this.hasConstantSize = hasConstantSize; } public generateCalldataBlock(value: any, parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): PayloadCalldataBlock { //console.log(); const encodedValue = this.encodeValue(value); const name = this.getDataItem().name; const signature = this.getSignature(); // const offsetInBytes = calldata.getSizeInBytes(); const relocatable = false; const block = new PayloadCalldataBlock(name, signature, /*offsetInBytes,*/ relocatable, encodedValue); return block; } public encode(value: any, calldata: Calldata): void { const block = this.generateCalldataBlock(value); calldata.setRoot(block); } public isStatic(): boolean { // If a payload has a constant size then it's static return this.hasConstantSize; } public abstract encodeValue(value: any): Buffer; } export abstract class DependentDataType extends DataType { protected dependency: DataType; protected parent: DataType; public constructor(dataItem: DataItem, dependency: DataType, parent: DataType) { super(dataItem); this.dependency = dependency; this.parent = parent; } public generateCalldataBlock(value: any, parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): DependentCalldataBlock { if (parentBlock === undefined) { throw new Error(`DependentDataType requires a parent block to generate its block`); } const dependencyBlock = this.dependency.generateCalldataBlock(value); const name = this.getDataItem().name; const signature = this.getSignature(); const relocatable = false; const block = new DependentCalldataBlock(name, signature, /*offsetInBytes,*/ relocatable, dependencyBlock, parentBlock); return block; } public encode(value: any, calldata: Calldata = new Calldata()): void { const block = this.generateCalldataBlock(value); calldata.setRoot(block); } public isStatic(): boolean { return true; } } export interface MemberMap { [key: string]: number; } export abstract class MemberDataType extends DataType { private memberMap: MemberMap; private members: DataType[]; private isArray: boolean; protected arrayLength: number | undefined; protected arrayElementType: string | undefined; public constructor(dataItem: DataItem, isArray: boolean = false, arrayLength?: number, arrayElementType?: string) { super(dataItem); console.log('*'.repeat(40), arrayLength); this.memberMap = {}; this.members = []; this.isArray = isArray; this.arrayLength = arrayLength; this.arrayElementType = arrayElementType; if (isArray && arrayLength !== undefined) { [this.members, this.memberMap] = this.createMembersWithLength(dataItem, arrayLength); } else if (!isArray) { [this.members, this.memberMap] = this.createMembersWithKeys(dataItem); } } private createMembersWithKeys(dataItem: DataItem): [DataType[], MemberMap] { // Sanity check if (dataItem.components === undefined) { throw new Error(`Expected components`); } let members: DataType[] = []; let memberMap: MemberMap = {}; _.each(dataItem.components, (memberItem: DataItem) => { const childDataItem = { type: memberItem.type, name: `${}.${}`, } as DataItem; const child = DataTypeFactory.create(childDataItem, this); members.push(child); memberMap[] = members.length; }); return [members, memberMap]; } private createMembersWithLength(dataItem: DataItem, length: number): [DataType[], MemberMap] { console.log(dataItem); let members: DataType[] = []; let memberMap: MemberMap = {}; const range = _.range(length); _.each(range, (idx: number) => { const childDataItem = { type: this.arrayElementType, name: `${}[${idx.toString(10)}]`, } as DataItem; const components = dataItem.components; if (components !== undefined) { childDataItem.components = components; } const child = DataTypeFactory.create(childDataItem, this); members.push(child); memberMap[idx.toString(10)] = members.length; }); return [members, memberMap]; } protected generateCalldataBlockFromArray(value: any[]): MemberCalldataBlock { // Sanity check length if (this.arrayLength !== undefined && value.length !== this.arrayLength) { throw new Error( `Expected array of ${JSON.stringify( this.arrayLength, )} elements, but got array of length ${JSON.stringify(value.length)}`, ); } const methodBlock: MemberCalldataBlock = new MemberCalldataBlock(this.getDataItem().name, this.getSignature(), false); let members = this.members; if (this.isArray && this.arrayLength === undefined) { [members,] = this.createMembersWithLength(this.getDataItem(), value.length); const lenBuf = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(ethUtil.toBuffer(`0x${value.length.toString(16)}`), 32); methodBlock.setHeader(lenBuf); } const memberBlocks: CalldataBlock[] = []; _.each(members, (member: DataType, idx: number) => { const block = member.generateCalldataBlock(value[idx], methodBlock); memberBlocks.push(block); }); methodBlock.setMembers(memberBlocks); return methodBlock; } protected generateCalldataBlockFromObject(obj: object): MemberCalldataBlock { const methodBlock: MemberCalldataBlock = new MemberCalldataBlock(this.getDataItem().name, this.getSignature(), false); const memberBlocks: CalldataBlock[] = []; let childMap = _.cloneDeep(this.memberMap); _.forOwn(obj, (value: any, key: string) => { if (key in childMap === false) { throw new Error(`Could not assign tuple to object: unrecognized key '${key}'`); } const block = this.members[this.memberMap[key]].generateCalldataBlock(value, methodBlock); memberBlocks.push(block); delete childMap[key]; }); if (Object.keys(childMap).length !== 0) { throw new Error(`Could not assign tuple to object: missing keys ${Object.keys(childMap)}`); } methodBlock.setMembers(memberBlocks); return methodBlock; } public generateCalldataBlock(value: any[] | object, parentBlock?: CalldataBlock): MemberCalldataBlock { const block = (value instanceof Array) ? this.generateCalldataBlockFromArray(value) : this.generateCalldataBlockFromObject(value); return block; } public encode(value: any, calldata: Calldata = new Calldata()): void { const block = this.generateCalldataBlock(value); calldata.setRoot(block); } protected computeSignatureOfMembers(): string { // Compute signature of members let signature = `(`; _.each(this.members, (member: DataType, i: number) => { signature += member.getSignature(); if (i < this.members.length - 1) { signature += ','; } }); signature += ')'; return signature; } public isStatic(): boolean { /* For Tuple: const isStaticTuple = this.children.length === 0; return isStaticTuple; // @TODO: True in every case or only when dynamic data? For Array: if isLengthDefined = false then this is false Otherwise if the first element is a Pointer then false */ if (this.isArray && this.arrayLength === undefined) { return false; } // Search for dependent members const dependentMember = _.find(this.members, (member: DataType) => { return (member instanceof DependentDataType); }); const isStatic = (dependentMember === undefined); // static if we couldn't find a dependent member return isStatic; } } export interface DataTypeFactoryImpl { create: (dataItem: DataItem, parentDataType: DataType) => DataType; mapDataItemToDataType: (dataItem: DataItem) => DataType; } export class DataTypeFactory { private static instance: DataTypeFactory; private provider: DataTypeFactoryImpl | undefined; private constructor() { } private static getInstance(): DataTypeFactory { if (!DataTypeFactory.instance) { DataTypeFactory.instance = new DataTypeFactory(); } return DataTypeFactory.instance; } public static setImpl(provider: DataTypeFactoryImpl) { const instance = DataTypeFactory.getInstance(); if (instance.provider !== undefined) { throw new Error(`Tried to set implementation more than once`); } DataTypeFactory.getInstance().provider = provider; } public static create(dataItem: DataItem, parentDataType: DataType): DataType { const instance = DataTypeFactory.getInstance(); if (instance.provider === undefined) { throw new Error(`Tried to create before implementation is set`); } return instance.provider.create(dataItem, parentDataType); } public static mapDataItemToDataType(dataItem: DataItem): DataType { const instance = DataTypeFactory.getInstance(); if (instance.provider === undefined) { throw new Error(`Tried to create before implementation is set`); } return instance.provider.mapDataItemToDataType(dataItem); } }