import ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util'); import CommunicationChatBubbleOutline from 'material-ui/SvgIcon'; var _ = require('lodash'); export abstract class CalldataBlock { private name: string; private signature: string; private offsetInBytes: number; private headerSizeInBytes: number; private bodySizeInBytes: number; private relocatable: boolean; constructor(name: string, signature: string, /*offsetInBytes: number,*/ headerSizeInBytes: number, bodySizeInBytes: number, relocatable: boolean) { = name; this.signature = signature; this.offsetInBytes = 0; this.headerSizeInBytes = headerSizeInBytes; this.bodySizeInBytes = bodySizeInBytes; this.relocatable = relocatable; } protected setHeaderSize(headerSizeInBytes: number) { this.headerSizeInBytes = headerSizeInBytes; } protected setBodySize(bodySizeInBytes: number) { this.bodySizeInBytes = bodySizeInBytes; } public getName(): string { return; } public getSignature(): string { return this.signature; } public isRelocatable(): boolean { return this.relocatable; } public getHeaderSizeInBytes(): number { return this.headerSizeInBytes; } public getBodySizeInBytes(): number { return this.bodySizeInBytes; } public getSizeInBytes(): number { return this.headerSizeInBytes + this.bodySizeInBytes; } public getOffsetInBytes(): number { return this.offsetInBytes; } public setOffset(offsetInBytes: number) { this.offsetInBytes = offsetInBytes; } public abstract toBuffer(): Buffer; } export class PayloadCalldataBlock extends CalldataBlock { private payload: Buffer; constructor(name: string, signature: string, /*offsetInBytes: number,*/ relocatable: boolean, payload: Buffer) { const headerSizeInBytes = 0; const bodySizeInBytes = payload.byteLength; super(name, signature, /*offsetInBytes,*/ headerSizeInBytes, bodySizeInBytes, relocatable); this.payload = payload; } public toBuffer(): Buffer { return this.payload; } } export class DependentCalldataBlock extends CalldataBlock { public static DEPENDENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 32; private parent: CalldataBlock; private dependency: CalldataBlock; constructor(name: string, signature: string, /*offsetInBytes: number,*/ relocatable: boolean, dependency: CalldataBlock, parent: CalldataBlock) { const headerSizeInBytes = 0; const bodySizeInBytes = DependentCalldataBlock.DEPENDENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE_IN_BYTES; super(name, signature, /*offsetInBytes,*/ headerSizeInBytes, bodySizeInBytes, relocatable); this.parent = parent; this.dependency = dependency; } public toBuffer(): Buffer { const dependencyOffset = this.dependency.getOffsetInBytes(); const parentOffset = this.parent.getOffsetInBytes(); const parentHeaderSize = this.parent.getHeaderSizeInBytes(); const pointer: number = dependencyOffset - (parentOffset + parentHeaderSize); const pointerBuf = ethUtil.toBuffer(`0x${pointer.toString(16)}`); const evmWordWidthInBytes = 32; const pointerBufPadded = ethUtil.setLengthLeft(pointerBuf, evmWordWidthInBytes); return pointerBufPadded; } public getDependency(): CalldataBlock { return this.dependency; } } export class MemberCalldataBlock extends CalldataBlock { private static DEPENDENT_PAYLOAD_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 32; private header: Buffer | undefined; private members: CalldataBlock[]; private contiguous: boolean; constructor(name: string, signature: string, /*offsetInBytes: number,*/ relocatable: boolean, contiguous: boolean) { super(name, signature, /*offsetInBytes,*/ 0, 0, relocatable); this.members = []; this.header = undefined; this.contiguous = contiguous; } public setMembers(members: CalldataBlock[]) { let bodySizeInBytes = 0; _.each(members, (member: CalldataBlock) => { bodySizeInBytes += member.getSizeInBytes(); }); this.members = members; this.setBodySize(0); } public isContiguous(): boolean { return true; } public setHeader(header: Buffer) { this.setHeaderSize(header.byteLength); this.header = header; } public toBuffer(): Buffer { if (this.header !== undefined) return this.header; return new Buffer(''); } public getMembers(): CalldataBlock[] { return this.members; } } class Queue { private store: T[] = []; push(val: T) {; } pushFront(val: T) {; } pop(): T | undefined { return; } merge(q: Queue) { =; } mergeFront(q: Queue) { =; } getStore(): T[] { return; } peek(): T | undefined { return >= 0 ?[0] : undefined; } } export class Calldata { private selector: string; private sizeInBytes: number; private root: MemberCalldataBlock | undefined; constructor() { this.selector = '0x'; this.sizeInBytes = 0; this.root = undefined; } private createQueue(memberBlock: MemberCalldataBlock): Queue { const blockQueue = new Queue(); _.eachRight(memberBlock.getMembers(), (member: CalldataBlock) => { if (member instanceof MemberCalldataBlock) { blockQueue.mergeFront(this.createQueue(member)); } else { blockQueue.pushFront(member); } }); // Children _.each(memberBlock.getMembers(), (member: CalldataBlock) => { if (member instanceof DependentCalldataBlock) { const dependency = member.getDependency(); if (dependency instanceof MemberCalldataBlock) { blockQueue.merge(this.createQueue(dependency)); } else { blockQueue.push(dependency); } } }); blockQueue.pushFront(memberBlock); return blockQueue; } /* // Basic optimize method that prunes duplicate branches of the tree // Notes: // 1. Pruning is at the calldata block level, so it is independent of type // 2. private optimize(blocks: CalldataBlock[]) { // Build hash table of blocks const blockLookupTable: { [key: string]: string } = {}; _.each(blocks, (block: CalldataBlock) => { if (blocks instanceof DependentCalldataBlock === false) { return; } const leavesHash = block.hashLeaves(); if (leavesHash in blockLookupTable) { } }) }*/ public toHexString(optimize: boolean = false): string { let selectorBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(this.selector); if (this.root === undefined) { throw new Error('expected root'); } const offsetQueue = this.createQueue(this.root); let block: CalldataBlock | undefined; let offset = 0; while ((block = offsetQueue.pop()) !== undefined) { block.setOffset(offset); offset += block.getSizeInBytes(); } const valueQueue = this.createQueue(this.root); const valueBufs: Buffer[] = [selectorBuffer]; while ((block = valueQueue.pop()) !== undefined) { valueBufs.push(block.toBuffer()); } // if (optimize) this.optimize(valueQueue.getStore()); const combinedBuffers = Buffer.concat(valueBufs); const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(combinedBuffers); return hexValue; } public getSelectorHex(): string { return this.selector; } public getSizeInBytes(): number { return this.sizeInBytes; } public toAnnotatedString(): string { return ""; } public setRoot(block: MemberCalldataBlock) { this.root = block; this.sizeInBytes += block.getSizeInBytes(); } public setSelector(selector: string) { // Ensure we have a 0x prefix if (selector.startsWith('0x')) { this.selector = selector; } else { this.selector = `$0x${selector}`; } // The selector must be 10 characters: '0x' followed by 4 bytes (two hex chars per byte) if (this.selector.length !== 10) { throw new Error(`Invalid selector '${this.selector}'`); } this.sizeInBytes += 8; } } export class RawCalldata { private value: Buffer; private offset: number; // tracks current offset into raw calldata; used for parsing private selector: string; private scopes: Queue; constructor(value: string | Buffer) { if (typeof value === 'string' && !value.startsWith('0x')) { throw new Error(`Expected raw calldata to start with '0x'`); } const valueBuf = ethUtil.toBuffer(value); this.selector = ethUtil.bufferToHex(valueBuf.slice(0, 4)); this.value = valueBuf.slice(4); // disregard selector this.offset = 0; this.scopes = new Queue(); this.scopes.push(0); } public popBytes(lengthInBytes: number): Buffer { const value = this.value.slice(this.offset, this.offset + lengthInBytes); this.setOffset(this.offset + lengthInBytes); return value; } public popWord(): Buffer { const wordInBytes = 32; return this.popBytes(wordInBytes); } public popWords(length: number): Buffer { const wordInBytes = 32; return this.popBytes(length * wordInBytes); } public readBytes(from: number, to: number): Buffer { const value = this.value.slice(from, to); return value; } public setOffset(offsetInBytes: number) { this.offset = offsetInBytes; console.log('0'.repeat(100), this.offset); } public startScope() { this.scopes.pushFront(this.offset); } public endScope() { this.scopes.pop(); } public getOffset(): number { return this.offset; } public toAbsoluteOffset(relativeOffset: number) { const scopeOffset = this.scopes.peek(); if (scopeOffset === undefined) { throw new Error(`Tried to access undefined scope.`); } const absoluteOffset = relativeOffset + scopeOffset; return absoluteOffset; } public getSelector(): string { return this.selector; } }