import { schemas } from '@0x/json-schemas'; import { Order } from '@0x/types'; import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils'; import { assert } from './assert'; import { constants } from './constants'; export const rateUtils = { /** * Takes an order and calculates the fee adjusted rate (takerAsset/makerAsset) by calculating how much takerAsset * is required to cover the fees (feeRate * takerFee), adding the takerAssetAmount and dividing by makerAssetAmount * @param order An object that conforms to the order interface * @param feeRate The market rate of ZRX denominated in takerAssetAmount * (ex. feeRate is 0.1 takerAsset/ZRX if it takes 1 unit of takerAsset to buy 10 ZRX) * Defaults to 0 * @return The rate (takerAsset/makerAsset) of the order adjusted for fees */ getFeeAdjustedRateOfOrder(order: Order, feeRate: BigNumber = constants.ZERO_AMOUNT): BigNumber { assert.doesConformToSchema('order', order, schemas.orderSchema); assert.isBigNumber('feeRate', feeRate); assert.assert( feeRate.gte(constants.ZERO_AMOUNT), `Expected feeRate: ${feeRate} to be greater than or equal to 0`, ); const takerAssetAmountNeededToPayForFees = order.takerFee.multipliedBy(feeRate); const totalTakerAssetAmount =; const rate = totalTakerAssetAmount.div(order.makerAssetAmount); return rate; }, /** * Takes a fee order (makerAssetData corresponds to ZRX and takerAssetData corresponds to WETH) and calculates * the fee adjusted rate (WETH/ZRX) by dividing the takerAssetAmount by the makerAmount minus the takerFee * @param feeOrder An object that conforms to the order interface * @return The rate (WETH/ZRX) of the fee order adjusted for fees */ getFeeAdjustedRateOfFeeOrder(feeOrder: Order): BigNumber { assert.doesConformToSchema('feeOrder', feeOrder, schemas.orderSchema); const zrxAmountAfterFees = feeOrder.makerAssetAmount.minus(feeOrder.takerFee); assert.assert( zrxAmountAfterFees.isGreaterThan(constants.ZERO_AMOUNT), `Expected takerFee: ${JSON.stringify(feeOrder.takerFee)} to be less than makerAssetAmount: ${JSON.stringify( feeOrder.makerAssetAmount, )}`, ); const rate = feeOrder.takerAssetAmount.div(zrxAmountAfterFees); return rate; }, };