import * as yargs from 'yargs'; import { DocGenerateAndUploadUtils } from './utils/doc_generate_and_upload_utils'; import { utils } from './utils/utils'; const args = yargs .option('package', { describe: 'Monorepo sub-package for which to generate DocJSON', type: 'string', demandOption: true, }) .option('isStaging', { describe: 'Whether we wish to publish docs to staging or production', type: 'boolean', demandOption: true, }) .option('shouldUpload', { describe: 'Whether we wish to upload the docs to S3 or not', type: 'boolean', demandOption: false, default: true, }) .example("$0 --package '0x.js' --isStaging true", 'Full usage example').argv; (async () => { const packageName = args.package; const isStaging = args.isStaging; const shouldUploadDocs = args.shouldUpload; const docGenerateAndUploadUtils = new DocGenerateAndUploadUtils(packageName, isStaging, shouldUploadDocs); await docGenerateAndUploadUtils.generateAndUploadDocsAsync(); process.exit(0); })().catch(err => { utils.log(err); process.exit(1); });