import { devConstants, env, EnvVars, web3Factory } from '@0xproject/dev-utils';
import { prependSubprovider } from '@0xproject/subproviders';
import { logUtils } from '@0xproject/utils';
import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0xproject/web3-wrapper';
import * as _ from 'lodash';

import { coverage } from './coverage';
import { profiler } from './profiler';
import { revertTrace } from './revert_trace';

enum ProviderType {
    Ganache = 'ganache',
    Geth = 'geth',

let testProvider: ProviderType;
switch (process.env.TEST_PROVIDER) {
    case undefined:
        testProvider = ProviderType.Ganache;
    case 'ganache':
        testProvider = ProviderType.Ganache;
    case 'geth':
        testProvider = ProviderType.Geth;
        throw new Error(`Unknown TEST_PROVIDER: ${process.env.TEST_PROVIDER}`);

const ganacheTxDefaults = {
    from: devConstants.TESTRPC_FIRST_ADDRESS,
    gas: devConstants.GAS_LIMIT,
const gethTxDefaults = {
    from: devConstants.TESTRPC_FIRST_ADDRESS,
export const txDefaults = testProvider === ProviderType.Ganache ? ganacheTxDefaults : gethTxDefaults;

const gethConfigs = {
    shouldUseInProcessGanache: false,
    rpcUrl: 'http://localhost:8501',
    shouldUseFakeGasEstimate: false,
const ganacheConfigs = {
    shouldUseInProcessGanache: true,
const providerConfigs = testProvider === ProviderType.Ganache ? ganacheConfigs : gethConfigs;

export const provider = web3Factory.getRpcProvider(providerConfigs);
const isCoverageEnabled = env.parseBoolean(EnvVars.SolidityCoverage);
const isProfilerEnabled = env.parseBoolean(EnvVars.SolidityProfiler);
const isRevertTraceEnabled = env.parseBoolean(EnvVars.SolidityRevertTrace);
const enabledSubproviderCount = _.filter([isCoverageEnabled, isProfilerEnabled, isRevertTraceEnabled], _.identity)
if (enabledSubproviderCount > 1) {
    throw new Error(`Only one of coverage, profiler, or revert trace subproviders can be enabled at a time`);
if (isCoverageEnabled) {
    const coverageSubprovider = coverage.getCoverageSubproviderSingleton();
    prependSubprovider(provider, coverageSubprovider);
if (isProfilerEnabled) {
    if (testProvider === ProviderType.Ganache) {
            "Gas costs in Ganache traces are incorrect and we don't recommend using it for profiling. Please switch to Geth",
    const profilerSubprovider = profiler.getProfilerSubproviderSingleton();
        "By default profilerSubprovider is stopped so that you don't get noise from setup code. Don't forget to start it before the code you want to profile and stop it afterwards",
    prependSubprovider(provider, profilerSubprovider);
if (isRevertTraceEnabled) {
    const revertTraceSubprovider = revertTrace.getRevertTraceSubproviderSingleton();
    prependSubprovider(provider, revertTraceSubprovider);

export const web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);