import { BigNumber } from '@0xproject/utils'; import { BlockParam, BlockParamLiteral, ContractAbi, ContractEventArg, ExchangeContractErrs, FilterObject, LogEntryEvent, LogWithDecodedArgs, Order, OrderState, SignedOrder, } from '@0xproject/types'; import { EtherTokenContractEventArgs, EtherTokenEvents } from './contract_wrappers/generated/ether_token'; import { ExchangeContractEventArgs, ExchangeEvents } from './contract_wrappers/generated/exchange'; import { TokenContractEventArgs, TokenEvents } from './contract_wrappers/generated/token'; export enum ContractWrappersError { ExchangeContractDoesNotExist = 'EXCHANGE_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST', ZRXContractDoesNotExist = 'ZRX_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST', EtherTokenContractDoesNotExist = 'ETHER_TOKEN_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST', TokenTransferProxyContractDoesNotExist = 'TOKEN_TRANSFER_PROXY_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST', TokenRegistryContractDoesNotExist = 'TOKEN_REGISTRY_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST', TokenContractDoesNotExist = 'TOKEN_CONTRACT_DOES_NOT_EXIST', ContractNotDeployedOnNetwork = 'CONTRACT_NOT_DEPLOYED_ON_NETWORK', InsufficientAllowanceForTransfer = 'INSUFFICIENT_ALLOWANCE_FOR_TRANSFER', InsufficientBalanceForTransfer = 'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE_FOR_TRANSFER', InsufficientEthBalanceForDeposit = 'INSUFFICIENT_ETH_BALANCE_FOR_DEPOSIT', InsufficientWEthBalanceForWithdrawal = 'INSUFFICIENT_WETH_BALANCE_FOR_WITHDRAWAL', InvalidJump = 'INVALID_JUMP', OutOfGas = 'OUT_OF_GAS', SubscriptionNotFound = 'SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND', SubscriptionAlreadyPresent = 'SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_PRESENT', } export enum InternalContractWrappersError { NoAbiDecoder = 'NO_ABI_DECODER', ZrxNotInTokenRegistry = 'ZRX_NOT_IN_TOKEN_REGISTRY', WethNotInTokenRegistry = 'WETH_NOT_IN_TOKEN_REGISTRY', } export type LogEvent = LogEntryEvent; export interface DecodedLogEvent { isRemoved: boolean; log: LogWithDecodedArgs; } export type EventCallback = (err: null | Error, log?: DecodedLogEvent) => void; export enum ExchangeContractErrCodes { ERROR_FILL_EXPIRED, // Order has already expired ERROR_FILL_NO_VALUE, // Order has already been fully filled or cancelled ERROR_FILL_TRUNCATION, // Rounding error too large ERROR_FILL_BALANCE_ALLOWANCE, // Insufficient balance or allowance for token transfer ERROR_CANCEL_EXPIRED, // Order has already expired ERROR_CANCEL_NO_VALUE, // Order has already been fully filled or cancelled } export interface ContractEvent { logIndex: number; transactionIndex: number; transactionHash: string; blockHash: string; blockNumber: number; address: string; type: string; event: string; args: ContractEventArgs; } export type ContractEventArgs = ExchangeContractEventArgs | TokenContractEventArgs | EtherTokenContractEventArgs; // [address, name, symbol, decimals, ipfsHash, swarmHash] export type TokenMetadata = [string, string, string, number, string, string]; export interface Token { name: string; address: string; symbol: string; decimals: number; } export interface TxOpts { from: string; gas?: number; value?: BigNumber; gasPrice?: BigNumber; } export interface TokenAddressBySymbol { [symbol: string]: string; } export type ContractEvents = TokenEvents | ExchangeEvents | EtherTokenEvents; export interface IndexedFilterValues { [index: string]: ContractEventArg; } export interface BlockRange { fromBlock: BlockParam; toBlock: BlockParam; } export interface OrderCancellationRequest { order: Order | SignedOrder; takerTokenCancelAmount: BigNumber; } export interface OrderFillRequest { signedOrder: SignedOrder; takerTokenFillAmount: BigNumber; } export type AsyncMethod = (...args: any[]) => Promise; export type SyncMethod = (...args: any[]) => any; /** * networkId: The id of the underlying ethereum network your provider is connected to. (1-mainnet, 3-ropsten, 4-rinkeby, 42-kovan, 50-testrpc) * gasPrice: Gas price to use with every transaction * exchangeContractAddress: The address of an exchange contract to use * zrxContractAddress: The address of the ZRX contract to use * tokenRegistryContractAddress: The address of a token registry contract to use * tokenTransferProxyContractAddress: The address of the token transfer proxy contract to use * orderWatcherConfig: All the configs related to the orderWatcher */ export interface ZeroExContractConfig { networkId: number; gasPrice?: BigNumber; exchangeContractAddress?: string; zrxContractAddress?: string; tokenRegistryContractAddress?: string; tokenTransferProxyContractAddress?: string; } /** * expectedFillTakerTokenAmount: If specified, the validation method will ensure that the * supplied order maker has a sufficient allowance/balance to fill this amount of the order's * takerTokenAmount. If not specified, the validation method ensures that the maker has a sufficient * allowance/balance to fill the entire remaining order amount. */ export interface ValidateOrderFillableOpts { expectedFillTakerTokenAmount?: BigNumber; } /** * defaultBlock: The block up to which to query the blockchain state. Setting this to a historical block number * let's the user query the blockchain's state at an arbitrary point in time. In order for this to work, the * backing Ethereum node must keep the entire historical state of the chain (e.g setting `--pruning=archive` * flag when running Parity). */ export interface MethodOpts { defaultBlock?: BlockParam; } /** * gasPrice: Gas price in Wei to use for a transaction * gasLimit: The amount of gas to send with a transaction */ export interface TransactionOpts { gasPrice?: BigNumber; gasLimit?: number; } /** * shouldValidate: Flag indicating whether the library should make attempts to validate a transaction before * broadcasting it. For example, order has a valid signature, maker has sufficient funds, etc. Default=true. */ export interface OrderTransactionOpts extends TransactionOpts { shouldValidate?: boolean; } export enum TradeSide { Maker = 'maker', Taker = 'taker', } export enum TransferType { Trade = 'trade', Fee = 'fee', } export type OnOrderStateChangeCallback = (err: Error | null, orderState?: OrderState) => void;