From 50344fa24a4a708ae90030af107afb15366f883f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Greg Hysen <>
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2018 21:19:11 -0800
Subject: Added inline documentation for Calldata class

 .../abi_encoder/abstract_data_types/data_type.ts   |   4 +-
 .../utils/src/abi_encoder/calldata/calldata.ts     | 227 +++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)

(limited to 'packages/utils/src/abi_encoder')

diff --git a/packages/utils/src/abi_encoder/abstract_data_types/data_type.ts b/packages/utils/src/abi_encoder/abstract_data_types/data_type.ts
index 450080353..ab7df6ecc 100644
--- a/packages/utils/src/abi_encoder/abstract_data_types/data_type.ts
+++ b/packages/utils/src/abi_encoder/abstract_data_types/data_type.ts
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ export abstract class DataType {
         const block = this.generateCalldataBlock(value);
-        const calldataHex = calldata.toHexString();
-        return calldataHex;
+        const encodedCalldata = calldata.toString();
+        return encodedCalldata;
     public decode(calldata: string, rules?: DecodingRules, selector?: string): any {
diff --git a/packages/utils/src/abi_encoder/calldata/calldata.ts b/packages/utils/src/abi_encoder/calldata/calldata.ts
index 50f0f0fad..da61b2256 100644
--- a/packages/utils/src/abi_encoder/calldata/calldata.ts
+++ b/packages/utils/src/abi_encoder/calldata/calldata.ts
@@ -11,27 +11,107 @@ import { CalldataIterator, ReverseCalldataIterator } from './iterator';
 export class Calldata {
     private readonly _rules: EncodingRules;
     private _selector: string;
-    private _sizeInBytes: number;
     private _root: CalldataBlock | undefined;
     public constructor(rules: EncodingRules) {
         this._rules = rules;
         this._selector = '';
-        this._sizeInBytes = 0;
         this._root = undefined;
-    public optimize(): void {
+    /**
+     * Sets the root calldata block. This block usually corresponds to a Method.
+     */
+    public setRoot(block: CalldataBlock): void {
+        this._root = block;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the selector to be prepended onto the calldata.
+     * If the root block was created by a Method then a selector will likely be set.
+     */
+    public setSelector(selector: string): void {
+        if (!selector.startsWith('0x')) {
+            throw new Error(`Expected selector to be hex. Missing prefix '0x'`);
+        } else if (selector.length !== Constants.HEX_SELECTOR_LENGTH_IN_CHARS) {
+            throw new Error(`Invalid selector '${selector}'`);
+        }
+        this._selector = selector;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Iterates through the calldata blocks, starting from the root block, to construct calldata as a hex string.
+     * If the `optimize` flag is set then this calldata will be condensed, to save gas.
+     * If the `annotate` flag is set then this will return human-readable calldata.
+     * If the `annotate` flag is *not* set then this will return EVM-compatible calldata.
+     */
+    public toString(): string {
+        // Sanity check: root block must be set
+        if (this._root === undefined) {
+            throw new Error('expected root');
+        }
+        // Optimize, if flag set
+        if (this._rules.optimize) {
+            this._optimize();
+        }
+        // Set offsets
+        const iterator = new CalldataIterator(this._root);
+        let offset = 0;
+        for (const block of iterator) {
+            block.setOffset(offset);
+            offset += block.getSizeInBytes();
+        }
+        // Generate hex string
+        const hexString = this._rules.annotate ? this._toAnnotatedString() : this._toCondensedString();
+        return hexString;
+    }
+    /**
+     * There are three types of calldata blocks: Blob, Set and Pointer.
+     * Scenarios arise where distinct pointers resolve to identical values.
+     * We optimize by keeping only one such instance of the identical value, and redirecting all pointers here.
+     * We keep the last such duplicate value because pointers can only be positive (they cannot point backwards).
+     * 
+     * Example #1:
+     *  function f(string[], string[])
+     *  f(["foo", "bar", "blitz"], ["foo", "bar", "blitz"])
+     *  The array ["foo", "bar", "blitz"] will only be included in the calldata once.
+     * 
+     * Example #2:
+     *  function f(string[], string)
+     *  f(["foo", "bar", "blitz"], "foo")
+     *  The string "foo" will only be included in the calldata once.
+     * 
+     * Example #3:
+     *  function f((string, uint, bytes), string, uint, bytes)
+     *  f(("foo", 5, "0x05"), "foo", 5, "0x05")
+     *  The string "foo" and bytes "0x05" will only be included in the calldata once.
+     *  The duplicate `uint 5` values cannot be optimized out because they are static values (no pointer points to them).
+     * 
+     * @TODO #1:
+     *   This optimization strategy handles blocks that are exact duplicates of one another.
+     *   But what if some block is a combination of two other blocks? Or a subset of another block?
+     *   This optimization problem is not much different from the current implemetation.
+     *   Instead of tracking "observed" hashes, at each node we would simply do pattern-matching on the calldata.
+     *   This strategy would be applied after assigning offsets to the tree, rather than before (as in this strategy).
+     *   Note that one consequence of this strategy is pointers may resolve to offsets that are not word-aligned.
+     *   This shouldn't be a problem but further investigation should be done.
+     * 
+     * @TODO #2:
+     *   To be done as a follow-up to @TODO #1.
+     *   Since we optimize from the bottom-up, we could be affecting the outcome of a later potential optimization.
+     *   For example, what if by removing one duplicate value we miss out on optimizing another block higher in the tree. 
+     *   To handle this case, at each node we can store a candidate optimization in a priority queue (sorted by calldata size).
+     *   At the end of traversing the tree, the candidate at the front of the queue will be the most optimal output.
+     *   
+     */
+    private _optimize(): void {
+        // Step 1/1 Create a reverse iterator (starts from the end of the calldata to the beginning)
         if (this._root === undefined) {
             throw new Error('expected root');
-        const blocksByHash: { [key: string]: CalldataBlock } = {};
-        // 1. Create a queue of subtrees by hash
-        // Note that they are ordered the same as
         const iterator = new ReverseCalldataIterator(this._root);
+        // Step 2/2 Iterate over each block, keeping track of which blocks have been seen and pruning redundant blocks.
+        const blocksByHash: { [key: string]: CalldataBlock } = {};
         for (const block of iterator) {
+            // If a block is a pointer and its value has already been observed, then update
+            // the pointer to resolve to the existing value.
             if (block instanceof CalldataBlocks.Pointer) {
                 const dependencyBlockHashBuf = block.getDependency().computeHash();
                 const dependencyBlockHash = ethUtil.bufferToHex(dependencyBlockHashBuf);
@@ -43,7 +123,7 @@ export class Calldata {
+            // This block has not been seen. Record its hash.
             const blockHashBuf = block.computeHash();
             const blockHash = ethUtil.bufferToHex(blockHashBuf);
             if (!(blockHash in blocksByHash)) {
@@ -51,84 +131,85 @@ export class Calldata {
-    public toHexString(): string {
+    /**
+     * Returns EVM-compatible calldata as a Hex string.
+     */
+    private _toCondensedString(): string {
+        // Sanity check: must have a root block.
         if (this._root === undefined) {
             throw new Error('expected root');
-        if (this._rules.optimize) {
-            this.optimize();
-        }
+        // Construct an array of buffers (one buffer for each block).
+        const selectorBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(this._selector);
+        const valueBufs: Buffer[] = [selectorBuffer];
         const iterator = new CalldataIterator(this._root);
-        let offset = 0;
         for (const block of iterator) {
-            block.setOffset(offset);
-            offset += block.getSizeInBytes();
+            valueBufs.push(block.toBuffer());
-        const hexValue = this._rules.annotate ? this._generateAnnotatedHexString() : this._generateCondensedHexString();
+        // Create hex from buffer array.
+        const combinedBuffers = Buffer.concat(valueBufs);
+        const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(combinedBuffers);
         return hexValue;
-    public getSelectorHex(): string {
-        return this._selector;
-    }
-    public getSizeInBytes(): number {
-        return this._sizeInBytes;
-    }
-    public setRoot(block: CalldataBlock): void {
-        this._root = block;
-        this._sizeInBytes += block.getSizeInBytes();
-    }
-    public setSelector(selector: string): void {
-        this._selector = selector.startsWith('0x') ? selector : `$0x${selector}`;
-        if (this._selector.length !== Constants.HEX_SELECTOR_LENGTH_IN_CHARS) {
-            throw new Error(`Invalid selector '${this._selector}'`);
-        }
-        this._sizeInBytes += Constants.HEX_SELECTOR_LENGTH_IN_BYTES; // @TODO: Used to be += 8. Bad?
-    }
-    private _generateAnnotatedHexString(): string {
-        let hexValue = `${this._selector}`;
+    /**
+     * Returns human-redable calldata.
+     * 
+     * Example:
+     *   simpleFunction(string[], string[])
+     *   strings = ["Hello", "World"]
+     *   simpleFunction(strings, strings)
+     * 
+     * Output:
+     *   0xbb4f12e3
+     *                                                                                      ### simpleFunction                                                                  
+     *   0x0       0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040              ptr<array1> (alias for array2)                                                  
+     *   0x20      0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040              ptr<array2>                                                                     
+     *
+     *   0x40      0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002          ### array2                                                                          
+     *   0x60      0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000040              ptr<array2[0]>                                                                  
+     *   0x80      0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000080              ptr<array2[1]>                                                                  
+     *   0xa0      0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005              array2[0]                                                                       
+     *   0xc0      48656c6c6f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                                                          
+     *   0xe0      0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005              array2[1]                                                                       
+     *   0x100     576f726c64000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     
+     */
+    private _toAnnotatedString(): string {
+        // Sanity check: must have a root block.
         if (this._root === undefined) {
             throw new Error('expected root');
-        const iterator = new CalldataIterator(this._root);
+        // Construct annotated calldata
+        let hexValue = `${this._selector}`;
         let offset = 0;
         const functionName: string = this._root.getName();
+        const iterator = new CalldataIterator(this._root);
         for (const block of iterator) {
             // Process each block 1 word at a time
             const size = block.getSizeInBytes();
             const name = block.getName();
             const parentName = block.getParentName();
             const prettyName = name.replace(`${parentName}.`, '').replace(`${functionName}.`, '');
-            // Current offset
-            let offsetStr = '';
-            // If this block is empty then it's a newline
             const offsetPadding = 10;
             const valuePadding = 74;
             const namePadding = 80;
             const evmWordStartIndex = 0;
             const emptySize = 0;
-            let value = '';
+            // Resulting line will be <offsetStr><valueStr><nameStr>
+            let offsetStr = '';
+            let valueStr = '';
             let nameStr = '';
-            let line = '';
+            let lineStr = '';
             if (size === emptySize) {
+                // This is a Set block with no header.
+                // For example, a tuple or an array with a defined length.
                 offsetStr = ' '.repeat(offsetPadding);
-                value = ' '.repeat(valuePadding);
+                valueStr = ' '.repeat(valuePadding);
                 nameStr = `### ${prettyName.padEnd(namePadding)}`;
-                line = `\n${offsetStr}${value}${nameStr}`;
+                lineStr = `\n${offsetStr}${valueStr}${nameStr}`;
             } else {
+                // This block has at least one word of value.
                 offsetStr = `0x${offset.toString(Constants.HEX_BASE)}`.padEnd(offsetPadding);
-                value = ethUtil
+                valueStr = ethUtil
                             block.toBuffer().slice(evmWordStartIndex, Constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES),
@@ -137,46 +218,28 @@ export class Calldata {
                 if (block instanceof CalldataBlocks.Set) {
                     nameStr = `### ${prettyName.padEnd(namePadding)}`;
-                    line = `\n${offsetStr}${value}${nameStr}`;
+                    lineStr = `\n${offsetStr}${valueStr}${nameStr}`;
                 } else {
                     nameStr = `    ${prettyName.padEnd(namePadding)}`;
-                    line = `${offsetStr}${value}${nameStr}`;
+                    lineStr = `${offsetStr}${valueStr}${nameStr}`;
+            // This block has a value that is more than 1 word.
             for (let j = Constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES; j < size; j += Constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES) {
                 offsetStr = `0x${(offset + j).toString(Constants.HEX_BASE)}`.padEnd(offsetPadding);
-                value = ethUtil
+                valueStr = ethUtil
                         ethUtil.bufferToHex(block.toBuffer().slice(j, j + Constants.EVM_WORD_WIDTH_IN_BYTES)),
                 nameStr = ' '.repeat(namePadding);
-                line = `${line}\n${offsetStr}${value}${nameStr}`;
+                lineStr = `${lineStr}\n${offsetStr}${valueStr}${nameStr}`;
             // Append to hex value
-            hexValue = `${hexValue}\n${line}`;
+            hexValue = `${hexValue}\n${lineStr}`;
             offset += size;
         return hexValue;
-    private _generateCondensedHexString(): string {
-        const selectorBuffer = ethUtil.toBuffer(this._selector);
-        if (this._root === undefined) {
-            throw new Error('expected root');
-        }
-        const iterator = new CalldataIterator(this._root);
-        const valueBufs: Buffer[] = [selectorBuffer];
-        for (const block of iterator) {
-            valueBufs.push(block.toBuffer());
-        }
-        const combinedBuffers = Buffer.concat(valueBufs);
-        const hexValue = ethUtil.bufferToHex(combinedBuffers);
-        return hexValue;
-    }
cgit v1.2.3