path: root/packages/website/ts/components/trade_history/trade_history_item.tsx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/website/ts/components/trade_history/trade_history_item.tsx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/packages/website/ts/components/trade_history/trade_history_item.tsx b/packages/website/ts/components/trade_history/trade_history_item.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 667027dce..000000000
--- a/packages/website/ts/components/trade_history/trade_history_item.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-import { colors, EtherscanLinkSuffixes } from '@0x/react-shared';
-import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
-import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import Paper from 'material-ui/Paper';
-import * as moment from 'moment';
-import * as React from 'react';
-import * as ReactTooltip from 'react-tooltip';
-import { EtherScanIcon } from 'ts/components/ui/etherscan_icon';
-import { Party } from 'ts/components/ui/party';
-import { Fill, Token, TokenByAddress } from 'ts/types';
-import { configs } from 'ts/utils/configs';
-interface TradeHistoryItemProps {
- fill: Fill;
- tokenByAddress: TokenByAddress;
- userAddress: string;
- networkId: number;
-interface TradeHistoryItemState {}
-export class TradeHistoryItem extends React.Component<TradeHistoryItemProps, TradeHistoryItemState> {
- public render(): React.ReactNode {
- const fill = this.props.fill;
- const tokens = _.values(this.props.tokenByAddress);
- const takerToken = _.find(tokens, token => {
- return token.address === fill.takerToken;
- });
- const makerToken = _.find(tokens, token => {
- return token.address === fill.makerToken;
- });
- // For now we don't show history items for orders using custom ERC20
- // tokens the client does not know how to display.
- // TODO: Try to retrieve the name/symbol of an unknown token in order to display it
- // Be sure to remove similar logic in trade_history.tsx
- if (_.isUndefined(takerToken) || _.isUndefined(makerToken)) {
- return null;
- }
- const amountColStyle: React.CSSProperties = {
- fontWeight: 100,
- display: 'inline-block',
- };
- const amountColClassNames =
- 'col col-12 lg-col-4 md-col-4 lg-py2 md-py2 sm-py1 lg-pr2 md-pr2 \
- lg-right-align md-right-align sm-center';
- return (
- <Paper className="py1" style={{ margin: '3px 3px 15px 3px' }}>
- <div className="clearfix">
- <div className="col col-12 lg-col-1 md-col-1 pt2 lg-pl3 md-pl3">{this._renderDate()}</div>
- <div
- className="col col-12 lg-col-6 md-col-6 lg-pl3 md-pl3"
- style={{ fontSize: 12, fontWeight: 100 }}
- >
- <div className="flex sm-mx-auto xs-mx-auto" style={{ paddingTop: 4, width: 224 }}>
- <Party
- label="Maker"
- address={fill.maker}
- identiconDiameter={IDENTICON_DIAMETER}
- networkId={this.props.networkId}
- />
- <i style={{ fontSize: 30 }} className="zmdi zmdi-swap py3" />
- <Party
- label="Taker"
- address={fill.taker}
- identiconDiameter={IDENTICON_DIAMETER}
- networkId={this.props.networkId}
- />
- </div>
- </div>
- <div className={amountColClassNames} style={amountColStyle}>
- {this._renderAmounts(makerToken, takerToken)}
- </div>
- <div className="col col-12 lg-col-1 md-col-1 lg-pr3 md-pr3 lg-py3 md-py3 sm-pb1 sm-center">
- <div className="pt1 lg-right md-right sm-mx-auto" style={{ width: 13 }}>
- <EtherScanIcon
- addressOrTxHash={fill.transactionHash}
- networkId={this.props.networkId}
- etherscanLinkSuffixes={EtherscanLinkSuffixes.Tx}
- />
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- </Paper>
- );
- }
- private _renderAmounts(makerToken: Token, takerToken: Token): React.ReactNode {
- const fill = this.props.fill;
- const filledTakerTokenAmountInUnits = Web3Wrapper.toUnitAmount(
- fill.filledTakerTokenAmount,
- takerToken.decimals,
- );
- const filledMakerTokenAmountInUnits = Web3Wrapper.toUnitAmount(
- fill.filledMakerTokenAmount,
- takerToken.decimals,
- );
- let exchangeRate = filledTakerTokenAmountInUnits.div(filledMakerTokenAmountInUnits);
- const fillMakerTokenAmount = Web3Wrapper.toBaseUnitAmount(filledMakerTokenAmountInUnits, makerToken.decimals);
- let receiveAmount;
- let receiveToken;
- let givenAmount;
- let givenToken;
- if (this.props.userAddress === fill.maker && this.props.userAddress === fill.taker) {
- receiveAmount = new BigNumber(0);
- givenAmount = new BigNumber(0);
- receiveToken = makerToken;
- givenToken = takerToken;
- } else if (this.props.userAddress === fill.maker) {
- receiveAmount = fill.filledTakerTokenAmount;
- givenAmount = fillMakerTokenAmount;
- receiveToken = takerToken;
- givenToken = makerToken;
- exchangeRate = new BigNumber(1).div(exchangeRate);
- } else if (this.props.userAddress === fill.taker) {
- receiveAmount = fillMakerTokenAmount;
- givenAmount = fill.filledTakerTokenAmount;
- receiveToken = makerToken;
- givenToken = takerToken;
- } else {
- // This condition should never be hit
- throw new Error("Found Fill that wasn't performed by this user");
- }
- return (
- <div>
- <div style={{ color: colors.green400, fontSize: 16 }}>
- <span>+ </span>
- {this._renderAmount(receiveAmount, receiveToken.symbol, receiveToken.decimals)}
- </div>
- <div className="pb1 inline-block" style={{ color: colors.red200, fontSize: 16 }}>
- <span>- </span>
- {this._renderAmount(givenAmount, givenToken.symbol, givenToken.decimals)}
- </div>
- <div style={{ color: colors.grey400, fontSize: 14 }}>
- {exchangeRate.toFixed(configs.AMOUNT_DISPLAY_PRECSION)} {givenToken.symbol}/{receiveToken.symbol}
- </div>
- </div>
- );
- }
- private _renderDate(): React.ReactNode {
- const blockMoment = moment.unix(this.props.fill.blockTimestamp);
- if (!blockMoment.isValid()) {
- return null;
- }
- const dayOfMonth = blockMoment.format('D');
- const monthAbreviation = blockMoment.format('MMM');
- const formattedBlockDate = blockMoment.format('H:mmA - MMMM D, YYYY');
- const dateTooltipId = `${this.props.fill.transactionHash}-date`;
- return (
- <div data-tip={true} data-for={dateTooltipId}>
- <div className="center pt1" style={{ fontSize: 13 }}>
- {monthAbreviation}
- </div>
- <div className="center" style={{ fontSize: 24, fontWeight: 100 }}>
- {dayOfMonth}
- </div>
- <ReactTooltip id={dateTooltipId}>{formattedBlockDate}</ReactTooltip>
- </div>
- );
- }
- private _renderAmount(amount: BigNumber, symbol: string, decimals: number): React.ReactNode {
- const unitAmount = Web3Wrapper.toUnitAmount(amount, decimals);
- return (
- <span>
- {unitAmount.toFixed(configs.AMOUNT_DISPLAY_PRECSION)} {symbol}
- </span>
- );
- }