path: root/packages/utils/src/transaction_decoder.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/utils/src/transaction_decoder.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/packages/utils/src/transaction_decoder.ts b/packages/utils/src/transaction_decoder.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d567286e..000000000
--- a/packages/utils/src/transaction_decoder.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-import { AbiDefinition, MethodAbi } from 'ethereum-types';
-import * as _ from 'lodash';
-import { AbiEncoder } from '.';
-import { DeployedContractInfo, FunctionInfoBySelector, TransactionData, TransactionProperties } from './types';
-export class TransactionDecoder {
- private readonly _functionInfoBySelector: FunctionInfoBySelector = {};
- /**
- * Retrieves the function selector from tranasction data.
- * @param txData hex-encoded transaction data.
- * @return hex-encoded function selector.
- */
- private static _getFunctionSelector(txData: string): string {
- const functionSelectorLength = 10;
- if (!txData.startsWith('0x') || txData.length < functionSelectorLength) {
- throw new Error(
- `Malformed transaction data. Must include a hex prefix '0x' and 4-byte function selector. Got '${txData}'`,
- );
- }
- const functionSelector = txData.substr(0, functionSelectorLength);
- return functionSelector;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a set of ABI definitions, after which transaction data targeting these ABI's can be decoded.
- * Additional properties can be included to disambiguate similar ABI's. For example, if two functions
- * have the same signature but different parameter names, then their ABI definitions can be disambiguated
- * by specifying a contract name.
- * @param abiDefinitions ABI definitions for a given contract.
- * @param contractName Name of contract that encapsulates the ABI definitions (optional).
- * @param deploymentInfos A collection of network/address pairs where this contract is deployed (optional).
- */
- public addABI(
- abiDefinitions: AbiDefinition[],
- contractName?: string,
- deploymentInfos?: DeployedContractInfo[],
- ): void {
- // Disregard definitions that are not functions
- // tslint:disable no-unnecessary-type-assertion
- const functionAbis = _.filter(abiDefinitions, abiEntry => {
- return abiEntry.type === 'function';
- }) as MethodAbi[];
- // tslint:enable no-unnecessary-type-assertion
- // Record function ABI's
- _.each(functionAbis, functionAbi => {
- const abiEncoder = new AbiEncoder.Method(functionAbi);
- const functionSelector = abiEncoder.getSelector();
- if (!(functionSelector in this._functionInfoBySelector)) {
- this._functionInfoBySelector[functionSelector] = [];
- }
- // Recored a copy of this ABI for each deployment
- const functionSignature = abiEncoder.getSignature();
- _.each(deploymentInfos, deploymentInfo => {
- this._functionInfoBySelector[functionSelector].push({
- functionSignature,
- abiEncoder,
- contractName,
- contractAddress: deploymentInfo.contractAddress,
- networkId: deploymentInfo.networkId,
- });
- });
- // There is no deployment info for this contract; record it without an address/network id
- if (_.isEmpty(deploymentInfos)) {
- this._functionInfoBySelector[functionSelector].push({
- functionSignature,
- abiEncoder,
- contractName,
- });
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Decodes transaction data for a known ABI.
- * @param txData hex-encoded transaction data.
- * @param txProperties Properties about the transaction used to disambiguate similar ABI's (optional).
- * @return Decoded transaction data. Includes: function name and signature, along with the decoded arguments.
- */
- public decode(txData: string, txProperties_?: TransactionProperties): TransactionData {
- // Lookup
- const functionSelector = TransactionDecoder._getFunctionSelector(txData);
- const txProperties = _.isUndefined(txProperties_) ? {} : txProperties_;
- const candidateFunctionInfos = this._functionInfoBySelector[functionSelector];
- if (_.isUndefined(candidateFunctionInfos)) {
- throw new Error(`No functions registered for selector '${functionSelector}'`);
- }
- const functionInfo = _.find(candidateFunctionInfos, txDecoder => {
- return (
- (_.isUndefined(txProperties.contractName) ||
- _.toLower(txDecoder.contractName) === _.toLower(txProperties.contractName)) &&
- (_.isUndefined(txProperties.contractAddress) ||
- txDecoder.contractAddress === txProperties.contractAddress) &&
- (_.isUndefined(txProperties.networkId) || txDecoder.networkId === txProperties.networkId)
- );
- });
- if (_.isUndefined(functionInfo)) {
- throw new Error(`No function registered with properties: ${JSON.stringify(txProperties)}.`);
- } else if (_.isUndefined(functionInfo.abiEncoder)) {
- throw new Error(
- `Function ABI Encoder is not defined, for function with properties: ${JSON.stringify(txProperties)}.`,
- );
- }
- const functionName = functionInfo.abiEncoder.getDataItem().name;
- const functionSignature = functionInfo.abiEncoder.getSignatureType();
- const functionArguments = functionInfo.abiEncoder.decode(txData);
- const decodedCalldata = {
- functionName,
- functionSignature,
- functionArguments,
- };
- return decodedCalldata;
- }