path: root/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils
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Diffstat (limited to 'contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils')
3 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils/erc20_wrapper.ts b/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils/erc20_wrapper.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12cd06ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils/erc20_wrapper.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+import { artifacts as tokensArtifacts, DummyERC20TokenContract } from '@0x/contracts-erc20';
+import { constants, ERC20BalancesByOwner, txDefaults } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
+import { assetDataUtils } from '@0x/order-utils';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
+import { Provider } from 'ethereum-types';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import { ERC20ProxyContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/erc20_proxy';
+import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
+export class ERC20Wrapper {
+ private readonly _tokenOwnerAddresses: string[];
+ private readonly _contractOwnerAddress: string;
+ private readonly _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
+ private readonly _provider: Provider;
+ private readonly _dummyTokenContracts: DummyERC20TokenContract[];
+ private _proxyContract?: ERC20ProxyContract;
+ private _proxyIdIfExists?: string;
+ /**
+ * Instanitates an ERC20Wrapper
+ * @param provider Web3 provider to use for all JSON RPC requests
+ * @param tokenOwnerAddresses Addresses that we want to endow as owners for dummy ERC20 tokens
+ * @param contractOwnerAddress Desired owner of the contract
+ * Instance of ERC20Wrapper
+ */
+ constructor(provider: Provider, tokenOwnerAddresses: string[], contractOwnerAddress: string) {
+ this._dummyTokenContracts = [];
+ this._web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
+ this._provider = provider;
+ this._tokenOwnerAddresses = tokenOwnerAddresses;
+ this._contractOwnerAddress = contractOwnerAddress;
+ }
+ public async deployDummyTokensAsync(
+ numberToDeploy: number,
+ decimals: BigNumber,
+ ): Promise<DummyERC20TokenContract[]> {
+ for (let i = 0; i < numberToDeploy; i++) {
+ this._dummyTokenContracts.push(
+ await DummyERC20TokenContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
+ tokensArtifacts.DummyERC20Token,
+ this._provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ constants.DUMMY_TOKEN_NAME,
+ decimals,
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ return this._dummyTokenContracts;
+ }
+ public async deployProxyAsync(): Promise<ERC20ProxyContract> {
+ this._proxyContract = await ERC20ProxyContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
+ artifacts.ERC20Proxy,
+ this._provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ );
+ this._proxyIdIfExists = await this._proxyContract.getProxyId.callAsync();
+ return this._proxyContract;
+ }
+ public getProxyId(): string {
+ this._validateProxyContractExistsOrThrow();
+ return this._proxyIdIfExists as string;
+ }
+ public async setBalancesAndAllowancesAsync(): Promise<void> {
+ this._validateDummyTokenContractsExistOrThrow();
+ this._validateProxyContractExistsOrThrow();
+ for (const dummyTokenContract of this._dummyTokenContracts) {
+ for (const tokenOwnerAddress of this._tokenOwnerAddresses) {
+ await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await dummyTokenContract.setBalance.sendTransactionAsync(
+ tokenOwnerAddress,
+ constants.INITIAL_ERC20_BALANCE,
+ { from: this._contractOwnerAddress },
+ ),
+ );
+ await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await dummyTokenContract.approve.sendTransactionAsync(
+ (this._proxyContract as ERC20ProxyContract).address,
+ { from: tokenOwnerAddress },
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public async getBalanceAsync(userAddress: string, assetData: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(assetData);
+ const balance = new BigNumber(await tokenContract.balanceOf.callAsync(userAddress));
+ return balance;
+ }
+ public async setBalanceAsync(userAddress: string, assetData: string, amount: BigNumber): Promise<void> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(assetData);
+ await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await tokenContract.setBalance.sendTransactionAsync(userAddress, amount, {
+ from: this._contractOwnerAddress,
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ public async getProxyAllowanceAsync(userAddress: string, assetData: string): Promise<BigNumber> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(assetData);
+ const proxyAddress = (this._proxyContract as ERC20ProxyContract).address;
+ const allowance = new BigNumber(await tokenContract.allowance.callAsync(userAddress, proxyAddress));
+ return allowance;
+ }
+ public async setAllowanceAsync(userAddress: string, assetData: string, amount: BigNumber): Promise<void> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(assetData);
+ const proxyAddress = (this._proxyContract as ERC20ProxyContract).address;
+ await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await tokenContract.approve.sendTransactionAsync(proxyAddress, amount, {
+ from: userAddress,
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ public async getBalancesAsync(): Promise<ERC20BalancesByOwner> {
+ this._validateDummyTokenContractsExistOrThrow();
+ const balancesByOwner: ERC20BalancesByOwner = {};
+ const balances: BigNumber[] = [];
+ const balanceInfo: Array<{ tokenOwnerAddress: string; tokenAddress: string }> = [];
+ for (const dummyTokenContract of this._dummyTokenContracts) {
+ for (const tokenOwnerAddress of this._tokenOwnerAddresses) {
+ balances.push(await dummyTokenContract.balanceOf.callAsync(tokenOwnerAddress));
+ balanceInfo.push({
+ tokenOwnerAddress,
+ tokenAddress: dummyTokenContract.address,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ _.forEach(balances, (balance, balanceIndex) => {
+ const tokenAddress = balanceInfo[balanceIndex].tokenAddress;
+ const tokenOwnerAddress = balanceInfo[balanceIndex].tokenOwnerAddress;
+ if (_.isUndefined(balancesByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress])) {
+ balancesByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress] = {};
+ }
+ const wrappedBalance = new BigNumber(balance);
+ balancesByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress][tokenAddress] = wrappedBalance;
+ });
+ return balancesByOwner;
+ }
+ public addDummyTokenContract(dummy: DummyERC20TokenContract): void {
+ if (!_.isUndefined(this._dummyTokenContracts)) {
+ this._dummyTokenContracts.push(dummy);
+ }
+ }
+ public addTokenOwnerAddress(address: string): void {
+ this._tokenOwnerAddresses.push(address);
+ }
+ public getTokenOwnerAddresses(): string[] {
+ return this._tokenOwnerAddresses;
+ }
+ public getTokenAddresses(): string[] {
+ const tokenAddresses = _.map(this._dummyTokenContracts, dummyTokenContract => dummyTokenContract.address);
+ return tokenAddresses;
+ }
+ private _getTokenContractFromAssetData(assetData: string): DummyERC20TokenContract {
+ const erc20ProxyData = assetDataUtils.decodeERC20AssetData(assetData);
+ const tokenAddress = erc20ProxyData.tokenAddress;
+ const tokenContractIfExists = _.find(this._dummyTokenContracts, c => c.address === tokenAddress);
+ if (_.isUndefined(tokenContractIfExists)) {
+ throw new Error(`Token: ${tokenAddress} was not deployed through ERC20Wrapper`);
+ }
+ return tokenContractIfExists;
+ }
+ private _validateDummyTokenContractsExistOrThrow(): void {
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._dummyTokenContracts)) {
+ throw new Error('Dummy ERC20 tokens not yet deployed, please call "deployDummyTokensAsync"');
+ }
+ }
+ private _validateProxyContractExistsOrThrow(): void {
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._proxyContract)) {
+ throw new Error('ERC20 proxy contract not yet deployed, please call "deployProxyAsync"');
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils/erc721_wrapper.ts b/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils/erc721_wrapper.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc43d8c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils/erc721_wrapper.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+import { artifacts as tokensArtifacts, DummyERC721TokenContract } from '@0x/contracts-erc721';
+import { constants, ERC721TokenIdsByOwner, txDefaults } from '@0x/contracts-test-utils';
+import { generatePseudoRandomSalt } from '@0x/order-utils';
+import { BigNumber } from '@0x/utils';
+import { Web3Wrapper } from '@0x/web3-wrapper';
+import { Provider } from 'ethereum-types';
+import * as _ from 'lodash';
+import { ERC721ProxyContract } from '../../generated-wrappers/erc721_proxy';
+import { artifacts } from '../../src/artifacts';
+export class ERC721Wrapper {
+ private readonly _tokenOwnerAddresses: string[];
+ private readonly _contractOwnerAddress: string;
+ private readonly _web3Wrapper: Web3Wrapper;
+ private readonly _provider: Provider;
+ private readonly _dummyTokenContracts: DummyERC721TokenContract[];
+ private _proxyContract?: ERC721ProxyContract;
+ private _proxyIdIfExists?: string;
+ private _initialTokenIdsByOwner: ERC721TokenIdsByOwner = {};
+ constructor(provider: Provider, tokenOwnerAddresses: string[], contractOwnerAddress: string) {
+ this._web3Wrapper = new Web3Wrapper(provider);
+ this._provider = provider;
+ this._dummyTokenContracts = [];
+ this._tokenOwnerAddresses = tokenOwnerAddresses;
+ this._contractOwnerAddress = contractOwnerAddress;
+ }
+ public async deployDummyTokensAsync(): Promise<DummyERC721TokenContract[]> {
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-variable
+ for (const i of _.times(constants.NUM_DUMMY_ERC721_TO_DEPLOY)) {
+ this._dummyTokenContracts.push(
+ await DummyERC721TokenContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
+ tokensArtifacts.DummyERC721Token,
+ this._provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ constants.DUMMY_TOKEN_NAME,
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ return this._dummyTokenContracts;
+ }
+ public async deployProxyAsync(): Promise<ERC721ProxyContract> {
+ this._proxyContract = await ERC721ProxyContract.deployFrom0xArtifactAsync(
+ artifacts.ERC721Proxy,
+ this._provider,
+ txDefaults,
+ );
+ this._proxyIdIfExists = await this._proxyContract.getProxyId.callAsync();
+ return this._proxyContract;
+ }
+ public getProxyId(): string {
+ this._validateProxyContractExistsOrThrow();
+ return this._proxyIdIfExists as string;
+ }
+ public async setBalancesAndAllowancesAsync(): Promise<void> {
+ this._validateDummyTokenContractsExistOrThrow();
+ this._validateProxyContractExistsOrThrow();
+ this._initialTokenIdsByOwner = {};
+ for (const dummyTokenContract of this._dummyTokenContracts) {
+ for (const tokenOwnerAddress of this._tokenOwnerAddresses) {
+ // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-variable
+ for (const i of _.times(constants.NUM_ERC721_TOKENS_TO_MINT)) {
+ const tokenId = generatePseudoRandomSalt();
+ await this.mintAsync(dummyTokenContract.address, tokenId, tokenOwnerAddress);
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._initialTokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress])) {
+ this._initialTokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress] = {
+ [dummyTokenContract.address]: [],
+ };
+ }
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._initialTokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress][dummyTokenContract.address])) {
+ this._initialTokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress][dummyTokenContract.address] = [];
+ }
+ this._initialTokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress][dummyTokenContract.address].push(tokenId);
+ await this.approveProxyAsync(dummyTokenContract.address, tokenId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public async doesTokenExistAsync(tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber): Promise<boolean> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ const owner = await tokenContract.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId);
+ const doesExist = owner !== constants.NULL_ADDRESS;
+ return doesExist;
+ }
+ public async approveProxyAsync(tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber): Promise<void> {
+ const proxyAddress = (this._proxyContract as ERC721ProxyContract).address;
+ await this.approveAsync(proxyAddress, tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ }
+ public async approveProxyForAllAsync(tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber, isApproved: boolean): Promise<void> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ const tokenOwner = await this.ownerOfAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ const proxyAddress = (this._proxyContract as ERC721ProxyContract).address;
+ await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await tokenContract.setApprovalForAll.sendTransactionAsync(proxyAddress, isApproved, {
+ from: tokenOwner,
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ public async approveAsync(to: string, tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber): Promise<void> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ const tokenOwner = await this.ownerOfAsync(tokenAddress, tokenId);
+ await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await tokenContract.approve.sendTransactionAsync(to, tokenId, {
+ from: tokenOwner,
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ public async transferFromAsync(
+ tokenAddress: string,
+ tokenId: BigNumber,
+ currentOwner: string,
+ userAddress: string,
+ ): Promise<void> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await tokenContract.transferFrom.sendTransactionAsync(currentOwner, userAddress, tokenId, {
+ from: currentOwner,
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ public async mintAsync(tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber, userAddress: string): Promise<void> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await tokenContract.mint.sendTransactionAsync(userAddress, tokenId, {
+ from: this._contractOwnerAddress,
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ public async burnAsync(tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber, owner: string): Promise<void> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ await this._web3Wrapper.awaitTransactionSuccessAsync(
+ await tokenContract.burn.sendTransactionAsync(owner, tokenId, {
+ from: this._contractOwnerAddress,
+ }),
+ );
+ }
+ public async ownerOfAsync(tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber): Promise<string> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ const owner = await tokenContract.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId);
+ return owner;
+ }
+ public async isOwnerAsync(userAddress: string, tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber): Promise<boolean> {
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ const tokenOwner = await tokenContract.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId);
+ const isOwner = tokenOwner === userAddress;
+ return isOwner;
+ }
+ public async isProxyApprovedForAllAsync(userAddress: string, tokenAddress: string): Promise<boolean> {
+ this._validateProxyContractExistsOrThrow();
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ const operator = (this._proxyContract as ERC721ProxyContract).address;
+ const didApproveAll = await tokenContract.isApprovedForAll.callAsync(userAddress, operator);
+ return didApproveAll;
+ }
+ public async isProxyApprovedAsync(tokenAddress: string, tokenId: BigNumber): Promise<boolean> {
+ this._validateProxyContractExistsOrThrow();
+ const tokenContract = this._getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress);
+ const approvedAddress = await tokenContract.getApproved.callAsync(tokenId);
+ const proxyAddress = (this._proxyContract as ERC721ProxyContract).address;
+ const isProxyAnApprovedOperator = approvedAddress === proxyAddress;
+ return isProxyAnApprovedOperator;
+ }
+ public async getBalancesAsync(): Promise<ERC721TokenIdsByOwner> {
+ this._validateDummyTokenContractsExistOrThrow();
+ this._validateBalancesAndAllowancesSetOrThrow();
+ const tokenIdsByOwner: ERC721TokenIdsByOwner = {};
+ const tokenOwnerAddresses: string[] = [];
+ const tokenInfo: Array<{ tokenId: BigNumber; tokenAddress: string }> = [];
+ for (const dummyTokenContract of this._dummyTokenContracts) {
+ for (const tokenOwnerAddress of this._tokenOwnerAddresses) {
+ const initialTokenOwnerIds = this._initialTokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress][
+ dummyTokenContract.address
+ ];
+ for (const tokenId of initialTokenOwnerIds) {
+ tokenOwnerAddresses.push(await dummyTokenContract.ownerOf.callAsync(tokenId));
+ tokenInfo.push({
+ tokenId,
+ tokenAddress: dummyTokenContract.address,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _.forEach(tokenOwnerAddresses, (tokenOwnerAddress, ownerIndex) => {
+ const tokenAddress = tokenInfo[ownerIndex].tokenAddress;
+ const tokenId = tokenInfo[ownerIndex].tokenId;
+ if (_.isUndefined(tokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress])) {
+ tokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress] = {
+ [tokenAddress]: [],
+ };
+ }
+ if (_.isUndefined(tokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress][tokenAddress])) {
+ tokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress][tokenAddress] = [];
+ }
+ tokenIdsByOwner[tokenOwnerAddress][tokenAddress].push(tokenId);
+ });
+ return tokenIdsByOwner;
+ }
+ public getTokenOwnerAddresses(): string[] {
+ return this._tokenOwnerAddresses;
+ }
+ public getTokenAddresses(): string[] {
+ const tokenAddresses = _.map(this._dummyTokenContracts, dummyTokenContract => dummyTokenContract.address);
+ return tokenAddresses;
+ }
+ private _getTokenContractFromAssetData(tokenAddress: string): DummyERC721TokenContract {
+ const tokenContractIfExists = _.find(this._dummyTokenContracts, c => c.address === tokenAddress);
+ if (_.isUndefined(tokenContractIfExists)) {
+ throw new Error(`Token: ${tokenAddress} was not deployed through ERC20Wrapper`);
+ }
+ return tokenContractIfExists;
+ }
+ private _validateDummyTokenContractsExistOrThrow(): void {
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._dummyTokenContracts)) {
+ throw new Error('Dummy ERC721 tokens not yet deployed, please call "deployDummyTokensAsync"');
+ }
+ }
+ private _validateProxyContractExistsOrThrow(): void {
+ if (_.isUndefined(this._proxyContract)) {
+ throw new Error('ERC721 proxy contract not yet deployed, please call "deployProxyAsync"');
+ }
+ }
+ private _validateBalancesAndAllowancesSetOrThrow(): void {
+ if (_.keys(this._initialTokenIdsByOwner).length === 0) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Dummy ERC721 balances and allowances not yet set, please call "setBalancesAndAllowancesAsync"',
+ );
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils/index.ts b/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b11f6a45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contracts/asset-proxy/test/utils/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+export * from './erc20_wrapper';
+export * from './erc721_wrapper';