path: root/packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinExchangeCore.sol
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authorAmir Bandeali <abandeali1@gmail.com>2018-06-30 09:36:00 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-06-30 09:36:00 +0800
commit6c34255a3e45a2f0b85dd7e9d925c7a789f603f1 (patch)
treea67cd2c3eb6434651dccef2cb21e65feda29b05f /packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinExchangeCore.sol
parent762c0143eb10306ca70b0f206e80eb9aed925f99 (diff)
parent41064adc6689deb8febcf833f6987957e845b477 (diff)
Merge pull request #781 from 0xProject/refactor/contracts/fileStructure
Update contracts file structure
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinExchangeCore.sol')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinExchangeCore.sol b/packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinExchangeCore.sol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0ed023ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/contracts/src/2.0.0/protocol/Exchange/MixinExchangeCore.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+ Copyright 2018 ZeroEx Intl.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
+pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
+import "./libs/LibConstants.sol";
+import "./libs/LibFillResults.sol";
+import "./libs/LibOrder.sol";
+import "./libs/LibMath.sol";
+import "./mixins/MExchangeCore.sol";
+import "./mixins/MSignatureValidator.sol";
+import "./mixins/MTransactions.sol";
+import "./mixins/MAssetProxyDispatcher.sol";
+contract MixinExchangeCore is
+ LibConstants,
+ LibMath,
+ LibOrder,
+ LibFillResults,
+ MAssetProxyDispatcher,
+ MExchangeCore,
+ MSignatureValidator,
+ MTransactions
+ // Mapping of orderHash => amount of takerAsset already bought by maker
+ mapping (bytes32 => uint256) public filled;
+ // Mapping of orderHash => cancelled
+ mapping (bytes32 => bool) public cancelled;
+ // Mapping of makerAddress => senderAddress => lowest salt an order can have in order to be fillable
+ // Orders with specified senderAddress and with a salt less than their epoch to are considered cancelled
+ mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public orderEpoch;
+ ////// Core exchange functions //////
+ /// @dev Cancels all orders created by makerAddress with a salt less than or equal to the targetOrderEpoch
+ /// and senderAddress equal to msg.sender (or null address if msg.sender == makerAddress).
+ /// @param targetOrderEpoch Orders created with a salt less or equal to this value will be cancelled.
+ function cancelOrdersUpTo(uint256 targetOrderEpoch)
+ external
+ {
+ address makerAddress = getCurrentContextAddress();
+ // If this function is called via `executeTransaction`, we only update the orderEpoch for the makerAddress/msg.sender combination.
+ // This allows external filter contracts to add rules to how orders are cancelled via this function.
+ address senderAddress = makerAddress == msg.sender ? address(0) : msg.sender;
+ // orderEpoch is initialized to 0, so to cancelUpTo we need salt + 1
+ uint256 newOrderEpoch = targetOrderEpoch + 1;
+ uint256 oldOrderEpoch = orderEpoch[makerAddress][senderAddress];
+ // Ensure orderEpoch is monotonically increasing
+ require(
+ newOrderEpoch > oldOrderEpoch,
+ );
+ // Update orderEpoch
+ orderEpoch[makerAddress][senderAddress] = newOrderEpoch;
+ emit CancelUpTo(makerAddress, senderAddress, newOrderEpoch);
+ }
+ /// @dev Fills the input order.
+ /// @param order Order struct containing order specifications.
+ /// @param takerAssetFillAmount Desired amount of takerAsset to sell.
+ /// @param signature Proof that order has been created by maker.
+ /// @return Amounts filled and fees paid by maker and taker.
+ function fillOrder(
+ Order memory order,
+ uint256 takerAssetFillAmount,
+ bytes memory signature
+ )
+ public
+ returns (FillResults memory fillResults)
+ {
+ // Fetch order info
+ OrderInfo memory orderInfo = getOrderInfo(order);
+ // Fetch taker address
+ address takerAddress = getCurrentContextAddress();
+ // Get amount of takerAsset to fill
+ uint256 remainingTakerAssetAmount = safeSub(order.takerAssetAmount, orderInfo.orderTakerAssetFilledAmount);
+ uint256 takerAssetFilledAmount = min256(takerAssetFillAmount, remainingTakerAssetAmount);
+ // Validate context
+ assertValidFill(
+ order,
+ orderInfo,
+ takerAddress,
+ takerAssetFillAmount,
+ takerAssetFilledAmount,
+ signature
+ );
+ // Compute proportional fill amounts
+ fillResults = calculateFillResults(order, takerAssetFilledAmount);
+ // Update exchange internal state
+ updateFilledState(
+ order,
+ takerAddress,
+ orderInfo.orderHash,
+ orderInfo.orderTakerAssetFilledAmount,
+ fillResults
+ );
+ // Settle order
+ settleOrder(order, takerAddress, fillResults);
+ return fillResults;
+ }
+ /// @dev After calling, the order can not be filled anymore.
+ /// Throws if order is invalid or sender does not have permission to cancel.
+ /// @param order Order to cancel. Order must be OrderStatus.FILLABLE.
+ function cancelOrder(Order memory order)
+ public
+ {
+ // Fetch current order status
+ OrderInfo memory orderInfo = getOrderInfo(order);
+ // Validate context
+ assertValidCancel(order, orderInfo);
+ // Perform cancel
+ updateCancelledState(order, orderInfo.orderHash);
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets information about an order: status, hash, and amount filled.
+ /// @param order Order to gather information on.
+ /// @return OrderInfo Information about the order and its state.
+ /// See LibOrder.OrderInfo for a complete description.
+ function getOrderInfo(Order memory order)
+ public
+ view
+ returns (OrderInfo memory orderInfo)
+ {
+ // Compute the order hash
+ orderInfo.orderHash = getOrderHash(order);
+ // If order.makerAssetAmount is zero, we also reject the order.
+ // While the Exchange contract handles them correctly, they create
+ // edge cases in the supporting infrastructure because they have
+ // an 'infinite' price when computed by a simple division.
+ if (order.makerAssetAmount == 0) {
+ orderInfo.orderStatus = uint8(OrderStatus.INVALID_MAKER_ASSET_AMOUNT);
+ return orderInfo;
+ }
+ // If order.takerAssetAmount is zero, then the order will always
+ // be considered filled because 0 == takerAssetAmount == orderTakerAssetFilledAmount
+ // Instead of distinguishing between unfilled and filled zero taker
+ // amount orders, we choose not to support them.
+ if (order.takerAssetAmount == 0) {
+ orderInfo.orderStatus = uint8(OrderStatus.INVALID_TAKER_ASSET_AMOUNT);
+ return orderInfo;
+ }
+ // Validate order expiration
+ if (block.timestamp >= order.expirationTimeSeconds) {
+ orderInfo.orderStatus = uint8(OrderStatus.EXPIRED);
+ return orderInfo;
+ }
+ // Check if order has been cancelled
+ if (cancelled[orderInfo.orderHash]) {
+ orderInfo.orderStatus = uint8(OrderStatus.CANCELLED);
+ return orderInfo;
+ }
+ if (orderEpoch[order.makerAddress][order.senderAddress] > order.salt) {
+ orderInfo.orderStatus = uint8(OrderStatus.CANCELLED);
+ return orderInfo;
+ }
+ // Fetch filled amount and validate order availability
+ orderInfo.orderTakerAssetFilledAmount = filled[orderInfo.orderHash];
+ if (orderInfo.orderTakerAssetFilledAmount >= order.takerAssetAmount) {
+ orderInfo.orderStatus = uint8(OrderStatus.FULLY_FILLED);
+ return orderInfo;
+ }
+ // All other statuses are ruled out: order is Fillable
+ orderInfo.orderStatus = uint8(OrderStatus.FILLABLE);
+ return orderInfo;
+ }
+ /// @dev Updates state with results of a fill order.
+ /// @param order that was filled.
+ /// @param takerAddress Address of taker who filled the order.
+ /// @param orderTakerAssetFilledAmount Amount of order already filled.
+ /// @return fillResults Amounts filled and fees paid by maker and taker.
+ function updateFilledState(
+ Order memory order,
+ address takerAddress,
+ bytes32 orderHash,
+ uint256 orderTakerAssetFilledAmount,
+ FillResults memory fillResults
+ )
+ internal
+ {
+ // Update state
+ filled[orderHash] = safeAdd(orderTakerAssetFilledAmount, fillResults.takerAssetFilledAmount);
+ // Log order
+ emit Fill(
+ order.makerAddress,
+ order.feeRecipientAddress,
+ takerAddress,
+ msg.sender,
+ fillResults.makerAssetFilledAmount,
+ fillResults.takerAssetFilledAmount,
+ fillResults.makerFeePaid,
+ fillResults.takerFeePaid,
+ orderHash,
+ order.makerAssetData,
+ order.takerAssetData
+ );
+ }
+ /// @dev Updates state with results of cancelling an order.
+ /// State is only updated if the order is currently fillable.
+ /// Otherwise, updating state would have no effect.
+ /// @param order that was cancelled.
+ /// @param orderHash Hash of order that was cancelled.
+ function updateCancelledState(
+ Order memory order,
+ bytes32 orderHash
+ )
+ internal
+ {
+ // Perform cancel
+ cancelled[orderHash] = true;
+ // Log cancel
+ emit Cancel(
+ order.makerAddress,
+ order.feeRecipientAddress,
+ msg.sender,
+ orderHash,
+ order.makerAssetData,
+ order.takerAssetData
+ );
+ }
+ /// @dev Validates context for fillOrder. Succeeds or throws.
+ /// @param order to be filled.
+ /// @param orderInfo OrderStatus, orderHash, and amount already filled of order.
+ /// @param takerAddress Address of order taker.
+ /// @param takerAssetFillAmount Desired amount of order to fill by taker.
+ /// @param takerAssetFilledAmount Amount of takerAsset that will be filled.
+ /// @param signature Proof that the orders was created by its maker.
+ function assertValidFill(
+ Order memory order,
+ OrderInfo memory orderInfo,
+ address takerAddress,
+ uint256 takerAssetFillAmount,
+ uint256 takerAssetFilledAmount,
+ bytes memory signature
+ )
+ internal
+ view
+ {
+ // An order can only be filled if its status is FILLABLE.
+ require(
+ orderInfo.orderStatus == uint8(OrderStatus.FILLABLE),
+ );
+ // Revert if fill amount is invalid
+ require(
+ takerAssetFillAmount != 0,
+ );
+ // Validate sender is allowed to fill this order
+ if (order.senderAddress != address(0)) {
+ require(
+ order.senderAddress == msg.sender,
+ );
+ }
+ // Validate taker is allowed to fill this order
+ if (order.takerAddress != address(0)) {
+ require(
+ order.takerAddress == takerAddress,
+ );
+ }
+ // Validate Maker signature (check only if first time seen)
+ if (orderInfo.orderTakerAssetFilledAmount == 0) {
+ require(
+ isValidSignature(
+ orderInfo.orderHash,
+ order.makerAddress,
+ signature
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ // Validate fill order rounding
+ require(
+ !isRoundingError(
+ takerAssetFilledAmount,
+ order.takerAssetAmount,
+ order.makerAssetAmount
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ /// @dev Validates context for cancelOrder. Succeeds or throws.
+ /// @param order to be cancelled.
+ /// @param orderInfo OrderStatus, orderHash, and amount already filled of order.
+ function assertValidCancel(
+ Order memory order,
+ OrderInfo memory orderInfo
+ )
+ internal
+ view
+ {
+ // Ensure order is valid
+ // An order can only be cancelled if its status is FILLABLE.
+ require(
+ orderInfo.orderStatus == uint8(OrderStatus.FILLABLE),
+ );
+ // Validate sender is allowed to cancel this order
+ if (order.senderAddress != address(0)) {
+ require(
+ order.senderAddress == msg.sender,
+ );
+ }
+ // Validate transaction signed by maker
+ address makerAddress = getCurrentContextAddress();
+ require(
+ order.makerAddress == makerAddress,
+ );
+ }
+ /// @dev Calculates amounts filled and fees paid by maker and taker.
+ /// @param order to be filled.
+ /// @param takerAssetFilledAmount Amount of takerAsset that will be filled.
+ /// @return fillResults Amounts filled and fees paid by maker and taker.
+ function calculateFillResults(
+ Order memory order,
+ uint256 takerAssetFilledAmount
+ )
+ internal
+ pure
+ returns (FillResults memory fillResults)
+ {
+ // Compute proportional transfer amounts
+ // TODO: All three are multiplied by the same fraction. This can
+ // potentially be optimized.
+ fillResults.takerAssetFilledAmount = takerAssetFilledAmount;
+ fillResults.makerAssetFilledAmount = getPartialAmount(
+ fillResults.takerAssetFilledAmount,
+ order.takerAssetAmount,
+ order.makerAssetAmount
+ );
+ fillResults.makerFeePaid = getPartialAmount(
+ fillResults.takerAssetFilledAmount,
+ order.takerAssetAmount,
+ order.makerFee
+ );
+ fillResults.takerFeePaid = getPartialAmount(
+ fillResults.takerAssetFilledAmount,
+ order.takerAssetAmount,
+ order.takerFee
+ );
+ return fillResults;
+ }
+ /// @dev Settles an order by transferring assets between counterparties.
+ /// @param order Order struct containing order specifications.
+ /// @param takerAddress Address selling takerAsset and buying makerAsset.
+ /// @param fillResults Amounts to be filled and fees paid by maker and taker.
+ function settleOrder(
+ LibOrder.Order memory order,
+ address takerAddress,
+ LibFillResults.FillResults memory fillResults
+ )
+ private
+ {
+ bytes memory zrxAssetData = ZRX_ASSET_DATA;
+ dispatchTransferFrom(
+ order.makerAssetData,
+ order.makerAddress,
+ takerAddress,
+ fillResults.makerAssetFilledAmount
+ );
+ dispatchTransferFrom(
+ order.takerAssetData,
+ takerAddress,
+ order.makerAddress,
+ fillResults.takerAssetFilledAmount
+ );
+ dispatchTransferFrom(
+ zrxAssetData,
+ order.makerAddress,
+ order.feeRecipientAddress,
+ fillResults.makerFeePaid
+ );
+ dispatchTransferFrom(
+ zrxAssetData,
+ takerAddress,
+ order.feeRecipientAddress,
+ fillResults.takerFeePaid
+ );
+ }