path: root/packages/chai-typescript-typings/index.d.ts
diff options
authorFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2018-01-30 20:21:01 +0800
committerFabio Berger <me@fabioberger.com>2018-01-30 20:21:01 +0800
commit93a5b3f457c1211676296840c285759007a55500 (patch)
treed1682b657c207f447748e08550095bafc79b6997 /packages/chai-typescript-typings/index.d.ts
parent4242176d291f54212797de9f5df80b1346724ebb (diff)
Fix prettier
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/chai-typescript-typings/index.d.ts')
1 files changed, 1231 insertions, 1231 deletions
diff --git a/packages/chai-typescript-typings/index.d.ts b/packages/chai-typescript-typings/index.d.ts
index 8b3e4c079..73d87a887 100644
--- a/packages/chai-typescript-typings/index.d.ts
+++ b/packages/chai-typescript-typings/index.d.ts
@@ -12,1243 +12,1243 @@
// tslint:disable:no-namespace member-ordering ban-types unified-signatures variable-name callable-types
declare namespace Chai {
- interface ChaiStatic {
- expect: ExpectStatic;
- should(): Should;
- /**
- * Provides a way to extend the internals of Chai
- */
- use(fn: (chai: any, utils: any) => void): ChaiStatic;
- assert: AssertStatic;
- config: Config;
- AssertionError: typeof AssertionError;
- version: string;
- }
- export interface ExpectStatic extends AssertionStatic {
- fail(actual?: any, expected?: any, message?: string, operator?: Operator): void;
- }
- export interface AssertStatic extends Assert {}
- type AssertionStatic = (target: any, message?: string) => Assertion;
- export type Operator = string; // "==" | "===" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "!=" | "!==";
- export type OperatorComparable = boolean | null | number | string | undefined | Date;
- interface ShouldAssertion {
- equal(value1: any, value2: any, message?: string): void;
- Throw: ShouldThrow;
- throw: ShouldThrow;
- exist(value: any, message?: string): void;
- }
- interface Should extends ShouldAssertion {
- not: ShouldAssertion;
- fail(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string, operator?: Operator): void;
- }
- interface ShouldThrow {
- (actual: Function): void;
- (actual: Function, expected: string | RegExp, message?: string): void;
- (actual: Function, constructor: Error | Function, expected?: string | RegExp, message?: string): void;
- }
- interface Assertion extends LanguageChains, NumericComparison, TypeComparison {
- not: Assertion;
- deep: Deep;
- nested: Nested;
- any: KeyFilter;
- all: KeyFilter;
- a: TypeComparison;
- an: TypeComparison;
- include: Include;
- includes: Include;
- contain: Include;
- contains: Include;
- ok: Assertion;
- true: () => Assertion;
- false: () => Assertion;
- null: () => Assertion;
- undefined: () => Assertion;
- NaN: Assertion;
- exist: Assertion;
- empty: Assertion;
- arguments: Assertion;
- Arguments: Assertion;
- equal: Equal;
- equals: Equal;
- eq: Equal;
- eql: Equal;
- eqls: Equal;
- property: Property;
- ownProperty: OwnProperty;
- haveOwnProperty: OwnProperty;
- ownPropertyDescriptor: OwnPropertyDescriptor;
- haveOwnPropertyDescriptor: OwnPropertyDescriptor;
- length: Length;
- lengthOf: Length;
- match: Match;
- matches: Match;
- string(string: string, message?: string): Assertion;
- keys: Keys;
- key(string: string): Assertion;
- throw: (message?: string) => Assertion;
- throws: Throw;
- Throw: Throw;
- respondTo: RespondTo;
- respondsTo: RespondTo;
- itself: Assertion;
- satisfy: Satisfy;
- satisfies: Satisfy;
- closeTo: CloseTo;
- approximately: CloseTo;
- members: Members;
- increase: PropertyChange;
- increases: PropertyChange;
- decrease: PropertyChange;
- decreases: PropertyChange;
- change: PropertyChange;
- changes: PropertyChange;
- extensible: Assertion;
- sealed: Assertion;
- frozen: Assertion;
- oneOf(list: any[], message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface LanguageChains {
- to: Assertion;
- be: Assertion;
- been: Assertion;
- is: Assertion;
- that: Assertion;
- which: Assertion;
- and: Assertion;
- has: Assertion;
- have: Assertion;
- with: Assertion;
- at: Assertion;
- of: Assertion;
- same: Assertion;
- }
- interface NumericComparison {
- above: NumberComparer;
- gt: NumberComparer;
- greaterThan: NumberComparer;
- least: NumberComparer;
- gte: NumberComparer;
- below: NumberComparer;
- lt: NumberComparer;
- lessThan: NumberComparer;
- most: NumberComparer;
- lte: NumberComparer;
- within(start: number, finish: number, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface NumberComparer {
- (value: number, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface TypeComparison {
- (type: string, message?: string): Assertion;
- instanceof: InstanceOf;
- instanceOf: InstanceOf;
- }
- interface InstanceOf {
- (constructor: Object, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface CloseTo {
- (expected: number, delta: number, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface Nested {
- include: Include;
- property: Property;
- members: Members;
- }
- interface Deep {
- equal: Equal;
- equals: Equal;
- eq: Equal;
- include: Include;
- property: Property;
- members: Members;
- }
- interface KeyFilter {
- keys: Keys;
- }
- interface Equal {
- (value: any, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface Property {
- (name: string, value?: any, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface OwnProperty {
- (name: string, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface OwnPropertyDescriptor {
- (name: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor, message?: string): Assertion;
- (name: string, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface Length extends LanguageChains, NumericComparison {
- (length: number, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface Include {
- (value: Object | string | number, message?: string): Assertion;
- keys: Keys;
- members: Members;
- any: KeyFilter;
- all: KeyFilter;
- }
- interface Match {
- (regexp: RegExp | string, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface Keys {
- (...keys: string[]): Assertion;
- (keys: any[]): Assertion;
- (keys: Object): Assertion;
- }
- interface Throw {
- (): Assertion;
- (expected: string, message?: string): Assertion;
- (expected: RegExp, message?: string): Assertion;
- (constructor: Error, expected?: string, message?: string): Assertion;
- (constructor: Error, expected?: RegExp, message?: string): Assertion;
- (constructor: Function, expected?: string, message?: string): Assertion;
- (constructor: Function, expected?: RegExp, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface RespondTo {
- (method: string, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface Satisfy {
- (matcher: Function, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface Members {
- (set: any[], message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- interface PropertyChange {
- (object: Object, property: string, message?: string): Assertion;
- }
- export interface Assert {
- /**
- * @param expression Expression to test for truthiness.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- (expression: any, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Throws a failure.
- *
- * @type T Type of the objects.
- * @param actual Actual value.
- * @param expected Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- * @param operator Comparison operator, if not strict equality.
- * @remarks Node.js assert module-compatible.
- */
- fail<T>(actual?: T, expected?: T, message?: string, operator?: Operator): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is truthy.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Object to test.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isOk<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is truthy.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Object to test.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- ok<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is falsy.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Object to test.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotOk<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is falsy.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Object to test.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notOk<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts non-strict equality (==) of actual and expected.
- *
- * @type T Type of the objects.
- * @param actual Actual value.
- * @param expected Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- equal<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts non-strict inequality (==) of actual and expected.
- *
- * @type T Type of the objects.
- * @param actual Actual value.
- * @param expected Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts strict equality (===) of actual and expected.
- *
- * @type T Type of the objects.
- * @param actual Actual value.
- * @param expected Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- strictEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts strict inequality (==) of actual and expected.
- *
- * @type T Type of the objects.
- * @param actual Actual value.
- * @param expected Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notStrictEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that actual is deeply equal to expected.
- *
- * @type T Type of the objects.
- * @param actual Actual value.
- * @param expected Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- deepEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that actual is not deeply equal to expected.
- *
- * @type T Type of the objects.
- * @param actual Actual value.
- * @param expected Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notDeepEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts valueToCheck is strictly greater than (>) valueToBeAbove.
- *
- * @param valueToCheck Actual value.
- * @param valueToBeAbove Minimum Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isAbove(valueToCheck: number, valueToBeAbove: number, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts valueToCheck is greater than or equal to (>=) valueToBeAtLeast.
- *
- * @param valueToCheck Actual value.
- * @param valueToBeAtLeast Minimum Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isAtLeast(valueToCheck: number, valueToBeAtLeast: number, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts valueToCheck is strictly less than (<) valueToBeBelow.
- *
- * @param valueToCheck Actual value.
- * @param valueToBeBelow Minimum Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isBelow(valueToCheck: number, valueToBeBelow: number, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts valueToCheck is greater than or equal to (>=) valueToBeAtMost.
- *
- * @param valueToCheck Actual value.
- * @param valueToBeAtMost Minimum Potential expected value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isAtMost(valueToCheck: number, valueToBeAtMost: number, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is true.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isTrue<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is false.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isFalse<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not true.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotTrue<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not false.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotFalse<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is null.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNull<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not null.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotNull<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not null.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNaN<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not null.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotNaN<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is undefined.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isUndefined<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not undefined.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isDefined<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is a function.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isFunction<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not a function.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotFunction<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is an object of type 'Object'
- * (as revealed by Object.prototype.toString).
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- * @remarks The assertion does not match subclassed objects.
- */
- isObject<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not an object of type 'Object'
- * (as revealed by Object.prototype.toString).
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotObject<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is an array.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isArray<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not an array.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotArray<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is a string.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isString<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not a string.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotString<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is a number.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNumber<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not a number.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotNumber<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is a boolean.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isBoolean<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not a boolean.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotBoolean<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value's type is name, as determined by Object.prototype.toString.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param name Potential expected type name of value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- typeOf<T>(value: T, name: string, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value's type is not name, as determined by Object.prototype.toString.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param name Potential expected type name of value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notTypeOf<T>(value: T, name: string, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is an instance of constructor.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param constructor Potential expected contructor of value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- instanceOf<T>(value: T, constructor: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value is not an instance of constructor.
- *
- * @type T Type of value.
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param constructor Potential expected contructor of value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notInstanceOf<T>(value: T, type: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that haystack includes needle.
- *
- * @param haystack Container string.
- * @param needle Potential expected substring of haystack.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- include(haystack: string, needle: string, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that haystack includes needle.
- *
- * @type T Type of values in haystack.
- * @param haystack Container array.
- * @param needle Potential value contained in haystack.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- include<T>(haystack: T[], needle: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that haystack does not include needle.
- *
- * @param haystack Container string.
- * @param needle Potential expected substring of haystack.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notInclude(haystack: string, needle: any, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that haystack does not include needle.
- *
- * @type T Type of values in haystack.
- * @param haystack Container array.
- * @param needle Potential value contained in haystack.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notInclude(haystack: any[], needle: any, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value matches the regular expression regexp.
- *
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param regexp Potential match of value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- match(value: string, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that value does not match the regular expression regexp.
- *
- * @param value Actual value.
- * @param regexp Potential match of value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notMatch(expected: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object has a property named by property.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Potential contained property of object.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- property<T>(object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object has a property named by property.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Potential contained property of object.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notProperty<T>(object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object has a property named by property, which can be a string
- * using dot- and bracket-notation for deep reference.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Potential contained property of object.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- deepProperty<T>(object: T, property: string, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object does not have a property named by property, which can be a
- * string using dot- and bracket-notation for deep reference.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Potential contained property of object.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notDeepProperty<T>(object: T, property: string, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object has a property named by property with value given by value.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @type V Type of value.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Potential contained property of object.
- * @param value Potential expected property value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- propertyVal<T, V>(object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, value: V, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object has a property named by property with value given by value.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @type V Type of value.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Potential contained property of object.
- * @param value Potential expected property value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- propertyNotVal<T, V>(object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, value: V, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object has a property named by property, which can be a string
- * using dot- and bracket-notation for deep reference.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @type V Type of value.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Potential contained property of object.
- * @param value Potential expected property value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- deepPropertyVal<T, V>(object: T, property: string, value: V, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object does not have a property named by property, which can be a
- * string using dot- and bracket-notation for deep reference.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @type V Type of value.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Potential contained property of object.
- * @param value Potential expected property value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- deepPropertyNotVal<T, V>(object: T, property: string, value: V, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object has a length property with the expected value.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param length Potential expected length of object.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- lengthOf<T extends { readonly length?: number }>(object: T, length: number, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that fn will throw an error.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- throw(fn: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error with message matching regexp.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param regExp Potential expected message match.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- throw(fn: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- throw(fn: Function, constructor: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor
- * and an error with message matching regexp.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- throw(fn: Function, constructor: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that fn will throw an error.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- throws(fn: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error with message matching regexp.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param regExp Potential expected message match.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- throws(fn: Function, regExp: RegExp, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- throws(fn: Function, errType: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor
- * and an error with message matching regexp.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- throws(fn: Function, errType: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that fn will throw an error.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- Throw(fn: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error with message matching regexp.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param regExp Potential expected message match.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- Throw(fn: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- Throw(fn: Function, errType: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor
- * and an error with message matching regexp.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- Throw(fn: Function, errType: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that fn will not throw an error.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- doesNotThrow(fn: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error with message matching regexp.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param regExp Potential expected message match.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- doesNotThrow(fn: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- doesNotThrow(fn: Function, errType: Function, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor
- * and an error with message matching regexp.
- *
- * @param fn Function that may throw.
- * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- doesNotThrow(fn: Function, errType: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
- /**
- * Compares two values using operator.
- *
- * @param val1 Left value during comparison.
- * @param operator Comparison operator.
- * @param val2 Right value during comparison.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- operator(val1: OperatorComparable, operator: Operator, val2: OperatorComparable, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that the target is equal to expected, to within a +/- delta range.
- *
- * @param actual Actual value
- * @param expected Potential expected value.
- * @param delta Maximum differenced between values.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- closeTo(actual: number, expected: number, delta: number, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that the target is equal to expected, to within a +/- delta range.
- *
- * @param actual Actual value
- * @param expected Potential expected value.
- * @param delta Maximum differenced between values.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- approximately(act: number, exp: number, delta: number, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that set1 and set2 have the same members. Order is not take into account.
- *
- * @type T Type of set values.
- * @param set1 Actual set of values.
- * @param set2 Potential expected set of values.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- sameMembers<T>(set1: T[], set2: T[], message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that set1 and set2 have the same members using deep equality checking.
- * Order is not take into account.
- *
- * @type T Type of set values.
- * @param set1 Actual set of values.
- * @param set2 Potential expected set of values.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- sameDeepMembers<T>(set1: T[], set2: T[], message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that subset is included in superset. Order is not take into account.
- *
- * @type T Type of set values.
- * @param superset Actual set of values.
- * @param subset Potential contained set of values.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- includeMembers<T>(superset: T[], subset: T[], message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that subset is included in superset using deep equality checking.
- * Order is not take into account.
- *
- * @type T Type of set values.
- * @param superset Actual set of values.
- * @param subset Potential contained set of values.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- includeDeepMembers<T>(superset: T[], subset: T[], message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that non-object, non-array value inList appears in the flat array list.
- *
- * @type T Type of list values.
- * @param inList Value expected to be in the list.
- * @param list List of values.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- oneOf<T>(inList: T, list: T[], message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that a function changes the value of a property.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param modifier Function to run.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Property of object expected to be modified.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- changes<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that a function does not change the value of a property.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param modifier Function to run.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Property of object expected not to be modified.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- doesNotChange<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that a function increases an object property.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param modifier Function to run.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Property of object expected to be increased.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- increases<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that a function does not increase an object property.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param modifier Function to run.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Property of object expected not to be increased.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- doesNotIncrease<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that a function decreases an object property.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param modifier Function to run.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Property of object expected to be decreased.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- decreases<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that a function does not decrease an object property.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param modifier Function to run.
- * @param object Container object.
- * @param property Property of object expected not to be decreased.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- doesNotDecrease<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts if value is not a false value, and throws if it is a true value.
- *
- * @type T Type of object.
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- * @remarks This is added to allow for chai to be a drop-in replacement for
- * Node’s assert class.
- */
- ifError<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is extensible (can have new properties added to it).
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isExtensible<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is extensible (can have new properties added to it).
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- extensible<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is not extensible.
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotExtensible<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is not extensible.
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notExtensible<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is sealed (can have new properties added to it
- * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isSealed<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is sealed (can have new properties added to it
- * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- sealed<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is not sealed.
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotSealed<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is not sealed.
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notSealed<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is frozen (cannot have new properties added to it
- * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isFrozen<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is frozen (cannot have new properties added to it
- * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- frozen<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is not frozen (cannot have new properties added to it
- * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- isNotFrozen<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- /**
- * Asserts that object is not frozen (cannot have new properties added to it
- * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
- *
- * @type T Type of object
- * @param object Actual value.
- * @param message Message to display on error.
- */
- notFrozen<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
- }
- export interface Config {
- /**
- * Default: false
- */
- includeStack: boolean;
- /**
- * Default: true
- */
- showDiff: boolean;
- /**
- * Default: 40
- */
- truncateThreshold: number;
- }
- export class AssertionError {
- constructor(message: string, _props?: any, ssf?: Function);
- public name: string;
- public message: string;
- public showDiff: boolean;
- public stack: string;
- }
+ interface ChaiStatic {
+ expect: ExpectStatic;
+ should(): Should;
+ /**
+ * Provides a way to extend the internals of Chai
+ */
+ use(fn: (chai: any, utils: any) => void): ChaiStatic;
+ assert: AssertStatic;
+ config: Config;
+ AssertionError: typeof AssertionError;
+ version: string;
+ }
+ export interface ExpectStatic extends AssertionStatic {
+ fail(actual?: any, expected?: any, message?: string, operator?: Operator): void;
+ }
+ export interface AssertStatic extends Assert {}
+ type AssertionStatic = (target: any, message?: string) => Assertion;
+ export type Operator = string; // "==" | "===" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "!=" | "!==";
+ export type OperatorComparable = boolean | null | number | string | undefined | Date;
+ interface ShouldAssertion {
+ equal(value1: any, value2: any, message?: string): void;
+ Throw: ShouldThrow;
+ throw: ShouldThrow;
+ exist(value: any, message?: string): void;
+ }
+ interface Should extends ShouldAssertion {
+ not: ShouldAssertion;
+ fail(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string, operator?: Operator): void;
+ }
+ interface ShouldThrow {
+ (actual: Function): void;
+ (actual: Function, expected: string | RegExp, message?: string): void;
+ (actual: Function, constructor: Error | Function, expected?: string | RegExp, message?: string): void;
+ }
+ interface Assertion extends LanguageChains, NumericComparison, TypeComparison {
+ not: Assertion;
+ deep: Deep;
+ nested: Nested;
+ any: KeyFilter;
+ all: KeyFilter;
+ a: TypeComparison;
+ an: TypeComparison;
+ include: Include;
+ includes: Include;
+ contain: Include;
+ contains: Include;
+ ok: Assertion;
+ true: () => Assertion;
+ false: () => Assertion;
+ null: () => Assertion;
+ undefined: () => Assertion;
+ NaN: Assertion;
+ exist: Assertion;
+ empty: Assertion;
+ arguments: Assertion;
+ Arguments: Assertion;
+ equal: Equal;
+ equals: Equal;
+ eq: Equal;
+ eql: Equal;
+ eqls: Equal;
+ property: Property;
+ ownProperty: OwnProperty;
+ haveOwnProperty: OwnProperty;
+ ownPropertyDescriptor: OwnPropertyDescriptor;
+ haveOwnPropertyDescriptor: OwnPropertyDescriptor;
+ length: Length;
+ lengthOf: Length;
+ match: Match;
+ matches: Match;
+ string(string: string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ keys: Keys;
+ key(string: string): Assertion;
+ throw: (message?: string) => Assertion;
+ throws: Throw;
+ Throw: Throw;
+ respondTo: RespondTo;
+ respondsTo: RespondTo;
+ itself: Assertion;
+ satisfy: Satisfy;
+ satisfies: Satisfy;
+ closeTo: CloseTo;
+ approximately: CloseTo;
+ members: Members;
+ increase: PropertyChange;
+ increases: PropertyChange;
+ decrease: PropertyChange;
+ decreases: PropertyChange;
+ change: PropertyChange;
+ changes: PropertyChange;
+ extensible: Assertion;
+ sealed: Assertion;
+ frozen: Assertion;
+ oneOf(list: any[], message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface LanguageChains {
+ to: Assertion;
+ be: Assertion;
+ been: Assertion;
+ is: Assertion;
+ that: Assertion;
+ which: Assertion;
+ and: Assertion;
+ has: Assertion;
+ have: Assertion;
+ with: Assertion;
+ at: Assertion;
+ of: Assertion;
+ same: Assertion;
+ }
+ interface NumericComparison {
+ above: NumberComparer;
+ gt: NumberComparer;
+ greaterThan: NumberComparer;
+ least: NumberComparer;
+ gte: NumberComparer;
+ below: NumberComparer;
+ lt: NumberComparer;
+ lessThan: NumberComparer;
+ most: NumberComparer;
+ lte: NumberComparer;
+ within(start: number, finish: number, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface NumberComparer {
+ (value: number, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface TypeComparison {
+ (type: string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ instanceof: InstanceOf;
+ instanceOf: InstanceOf;
+ }
+ interface InstanceOf {
+ (constructor: Object, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface CloseTo {
+ (expected: number, delta: number, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface Nested {
+ include: Include;
+ property: Property;
+ members: Members;
+ }
+ interface Deep {
+ equal: Equal;
+ equals: Equal;
+ eq: Equal;
+ include: Include;
+ property: Property;
+ members: Members;
+ }
+ interface KeyFilter {
+ keys: Keys;
+ }
+ interface Equal {
+ (value: any, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface Property {
+ (name: string, value?: any, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface OwnProperty {
+ (name: string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface OwnPropertyDescriptor {
+ (name: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor, message?: string): Assertion;
+ (name: string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface Length extends LanguageChains, NumericComparison {
+ (length: number, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface Include {
+ (value: Object | string | number, message?: string): Assertion;
+ keys: Keys;
+ members: Members;
+ any: KeyFilter;
+ all: KeyFilter;
+ }
+ interface Match {
+ (regexp: RegExp | string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface Keys {
+ (...keys: string[]): Assertion;
+ (keys: any[]): Assertion;
+ (keys: Object): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface Throw {
+ (): Assertion;
+ (expected: string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ (expected: RegExp, message?: string): Assertion;
+ (constructor: Error, expected?: string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ (constructor: Error, expected?: RegExp, message?: string): Assertion;
+ (constructor: Function, expected?: string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ (constructor: Function, expected?: RegExp, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface RespondTo {
+ (method: string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface Satisfy {
+ (matcher: Function, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface Members {
+ (set: any[], message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ interface PropertyChange {
+ (object: Object, property: string, message?: string): Assertion;
+ }
+ export interface Assert {
+ /**
+ * @param expression Expression to test for truthiness.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ (expression: any, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Throws a failure.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of the objects.
+ * @param actual Actual value.
+ * @param expected Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ * @param operator Comparison operator, if not strict equality.
+ * @remarks Node.js assert module-compatible.
+ */
+ fail<T>(actual?: T, expected?: T, message?: string, operator?: Operator): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is truthy.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Object to test.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isOk<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is truthy.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Object to test.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ ok<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is falsy.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Object to test.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotOk<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is falsy.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Object to test.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notOk<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts non-strict equality (==) of actual and expected.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of the objects.
+ * @param actual Actual value.
+ * @param expected Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ equal<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts non-strict inequality (==) of actual and expected.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of the objects.
+ * @param actual Actual value.
+ * @param expected Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts strict equality (===) of actual and expected.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of the objects.
+ * @param actual Actual value.
+ * @param expected Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ strictEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts strict inequality (==) of actual and expected.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of the objects.
+ * @param actual Actual value.
+ * @param expected Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notStrictEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that actual is deeply equal to expected.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of the objects.
+ * @param actual Actual value.
+ * @param expected Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ deepEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that actual is not deeply equal to expected.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of the objects.
+ * @param actual Actual value.
+ * @param expected Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notDeepEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts valueToCheck is strictly greater than (>) valueToBeAbove.
+ *
+ * @param valueToCheck Actual value.
+ * @param valueToBeAbove Minimum Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isAbove(valueToCheck: number, valueToBeAbove: number, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts valueToCheck is greater than or equal to (>=) valueToBeAtLeast.
+ *
+ * @param valueToCheck Actual value.
+ * @param valueToBeAtLeast Minimum Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isAtLeast(valueToCheck: number, valueToBeAtLeast: number, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts valueToCheck is strictly less than (<) valueToBeBelow.
+ *
+ * @param valueToCheck Actual value.
+ * @param valueToBeBelow Minimum Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isBelow(valueToCheck: number, valueToBeBelow: number, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts valueToCheck is greater than or equal to (>=) valueToBeAtMost.
+ *
+ * @param valueToCheck Actual value.
+ * @param valueToBeAtMost Minimum Potential expected value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isAtMost(valueToCheck: number, valueToBeAtMost: number, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is true.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isTrue<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is false.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isFalse<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not true.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotTrue<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not false.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotFalse<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is null.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNull<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not null.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotNull<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not null.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNaN<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not null.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotNaN<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is undefined.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isUndefined<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not undefined.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isDefined<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is a function.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isFunction<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not a function.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotFunction<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is an object of type 'Object'
+ * (as revealed by Object.prototype.toString).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ * @remarks The assertion does not match subclassed objects.
+ */
+ isObject<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not an object of type 'Object'
+ * (as revealed by Object.prototype.toString).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotObject<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is an array.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isArray<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not an array.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotArray<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is a string.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isString<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not a string.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotString<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is a number.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNumber<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not a number.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotNumber<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is a boolean.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isBoolean<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not a boolean.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotBoolean<T>(value: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value's type is name, as determined by Object.prototype.toString.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param name Potential expected type name of value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ typeOf<T>(value: T, name: string, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value's type is not name, as determined by Object.prototype.toString.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param name Potential expected type name of value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notTypeOf<T>(value: T, name: string, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is an instance of constructor.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected contructor of value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ instanceOf<T>(value: T, constructor: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value is not an instance of constructor.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of value.
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected contructor of value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notInstanceOf<T>(value: T, type: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that haystack includes needle.
+ *
+ * @param haystack Container string.
+ * @param needle Potential expected substring of haystack.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ include(haystack: string, needle: string, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that haystack includes needle.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of values in haystack.
+ * @param haystack Container array.
+ * @param needle Potential value contained in haystack.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ include<T>(haystack: T[], needle: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that haystack does not include needle.
+ *
+ * @param haystack Container string.
+ * @param needle Potential expected substring of haystack.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notInclude(haystack: string, needle: any, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that haystack does not include needle.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of values in haystack.
+ * @param haystack Container array.
+ * @param needle Potential value contained in haystack.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notInclude(haystack: any[], needle: any, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value matches the regular expression regexp.
+ *
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param regexp Potential match of value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ match(value: string, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that value does not match the regular expression regexp.
+ *
+ * @param value Actual value.
+ * @param regexp Potential match of value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notMatch(expected: any, regexp: RegExp, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object has a property named by property.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Potential contained property of object.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ property<T>(object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object has a property named by property.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Potential contained property of object.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notProperty<T>(object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object has a property named by property, which can be a string
+ * using dot- and bracket-notation for deep reference.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Potential contained property of object.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ deepProperty<T>(object: T, property: string, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object does not have a property named by property, which can be a
+ * string using dot- and bracket-notation for deep reference.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Potential contained property of object.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notDeepProperty<T>(object: T, property: string, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object has a property named by property with value given by value.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @type V Type of value.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Potential contained property of object.
+ * @param value Potential expected property value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ propertyVal<T, V>(object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, value: V, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object has a property named by property with value given by value.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @type V Type of value.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Potential contained property of object.
+ * @param value Potential expected property value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ propertyNotVal<T, V>(object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, value: V, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object has a property named by property, which can be a string
+ * using dot- and bracket-notation for deep reference.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @type V Type of value.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Potential contained property of object.
+ * @param value Potential expected property value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ deepPropertyVal<T, V>(object: T, property: string, value: V, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object does not have a property named by property, which can be a
+ * string using dot- and bracket-notation for deep reference.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @type V Type of value.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Potential contained property of object.
+ * @param value Potential expected property value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ deepPropertyNotVal<T, V>(object: T, property: string, value: V, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object has a length property with the expected value.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param length Potential expected length of object.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ lengthOf<T extends { readonly length?: number }>(object: T, length: number, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that fn will throw an error.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ throw(fn: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error with message matching regexp.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param regExp Potential expected message match.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ throw(fn: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ throw(fn: Function, constructor: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor
+ * and an error with message matching regexp.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ throw(fn: Function, constructor: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that fn will throw an error.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ throws(fn: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error with message matching regexp.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param regExp Potential expected message match.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ throws(fn: Function, regExp: RegExp, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ throws(fn: Function, errType: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor
+ * and an error with message matching regexp.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ throws(fn: Function, errType: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that fn will throw an error.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ Throw(fn: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error with message matching regexp.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param regExp Potential expected message match.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ Throw(fn: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ Throw(fn: Function, errType: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor
+ * and an error with message matching regexp.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ Throw(fn: Function, errType: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that fn will not throw an error.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ doesNotThrow(fn: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error with message matching regexp.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param regExp Potential expected message match.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ doesNotThrow(fn: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ doesNotThrow(fn: Function, errType: Function, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that function will throw an error that is an instance of constructor
+ * and an error with message matching regexp.
+ *
+ * @param fn Function that may throw.
+ * @param constructor Potential expected error constructor.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ doesNotThrow(fn: Function, errType: Function, regExp: RegExp): void;
+ /**
+ * Compares two values using operator.
+ *
+ * @param val1 Left value during comparison.
+ * @param operator Comparison operator.
+ * @param val2 Right value during comparison.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ operator(val1: OperatorComparable, operator: Operator, val2: OperatorComparable, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that the target is equal to expected, to within a +/- delta range.
+ *
+ * @param actual Actual value
+ * @param expected Potential expected value.
+ * @param delta Maximum differenced between values.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ closeTo(actual: number, expected: number, delta: number, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that the target is equal to expected, to within a +/- delta range.
+ *
+ * @param actual Actual value
+ * @param expected Potential expected value.
+ * @param delta Maximum differenced between values.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ approximately(act: number, exp: number, delta: number, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that set1 and set2 have the same members. Order is not take into account.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of set values.
+ * @param set1 Actual set of values.
+ * @param set2 Potential expected set of values.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ sameMembers<T>(set1: T[], set2: T[], message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that set1 and set2 have the same members using deep equality checking.
+ * Order is not take into account.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of set values.
+ * @param set1 Actual set of values.
+ * @param set2 Potential expected set of values.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ sameDeepMembers<T>(set1: T[], set2: T[], message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that subset is included in superset. Order is not take into account.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of set values.
+ * @param superset Actual set of values.
+ * @param subset Potential contained set of values.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ includeMembers<T>(superset: T[], subset: T[], message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that subset is included in superset using deep equality checking.
+ * Order is not take into account.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of set values.
+ * @param superset Actual set of values.
+ * @param subset Potential contained set of values.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ includeDeepMembers<T>(superset: T[], subset: T[], message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that non-object, non-array value inList appears in the flat array list.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of list values.
+ * @param inList Value expected to be in the list.
+ * @param list List of values.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ oneOf<T>(inList: T, list: T[], message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that a function changes the value of a property.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param modifier Function to run.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Property of object expected to be modified.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ changes<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that a function does not change the value of a property.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param modifier Function to run.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Property of object expected not to be modified.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ doesNotChange<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that a function increases an object property.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param modifier Function to run.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Property of object expected to be increased.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ increases<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that a function does not increase an object property.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param modifier Function to run.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Property of object expected not to be increased.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ doesNotIncrease<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that a function decreases an object property.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param modifier Function to run.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Property of object expected to be decreased.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ decreases<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that a function does not decrease an object property.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param modifier Function to run.
+ * @param object Container object.
+ * @param property Property of object expected not to be decreased.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ doesNotDecrease<T>(modifier: Function, object: T, property: string /* keyof T */, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts if value is not a false value, and throws if it is a true value.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object.
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ * @remarks This is added to allow for chai to be a drop-in replacement for
+ * Node’s assert class.
+ */
+ ifError<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is extensible (can have new properties added to it).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isExtensible<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is extensible (can have new properties added to it).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ extensible<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is not extensible.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotExtensible<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is not extensible.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notExtensible<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is sealed (can have new properties added to it
+ * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isSealed<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is sealed (can have new properties added to it
+ * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ sealed<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is not sealed.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotSealed<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is not sealed.
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notSealed<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is frozen (cannot have new properties added to it
+ * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isFrozen<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is frozen (cannot have new properties added to it
+ * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ frozen<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is not frozen (cannot have new properties added to it
+ * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ isNotFrozen<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ /**
+ * Asserts that object is not frozen (cannot have new properties added to it
+ * and its existing properties cannot be removed).
+ *
+ * @type T Type of object
+ * @param object Actual value.
+ * @param message Message to display on error.
+ */
+ notFrozen<T>(object: T, message?: string): void;
+ }
+ export interface Config {
+ /**
+ * Default: false
+ */
+ includeStack: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Default: true
+ */
+ showDiff: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Default: 40
+ */
+ truncateThreshold: number;
+ }
+ export class AssertionError {
+ constructor(message: string, _props?: any, ssf?: Function);
+ public name: string;
+ public message: string;
+ public showDiff: boolean;
+ public stack: string;
+ }
declare const chai: Chai.ChaiStatic;
declare module 'chai' {
- export = chai;
+ export = chai;
interface Object {
- should: Chai.Assertion;
+ should: Chai.Assertion;